e-ISSN: 1390-5902
CEDAMAZ, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 94–110, Julio–Diciembre 2022
DOI: 10.54753/cedamaz.v12i2.1319
Vascular Flora of Dry Scrub in Southern Ecuador
Flora Vascular del Matorral seco del sur del Ecuador
Omar Cabrera-Cisneros1,*, Fani Tinitana1, Nixon Cumbicus1y Anibal Prina2
1Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Técnica Particular de
Loja, San Cayetano Alto, Calle París s/n, Casilla postal 11 01 608, Loja, Ecuador.
2Cátedra de Botánica,Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Santa Rosa 6300. Casilla Postal 300, La Pampa,
Argentina, Programa Prometeo, SENESCYT, Ecuador.
*Autor para correspondencia: hocabrera@utpl.edu.ec
Fecha de recepción del manuscrito: 06/04/2022 Fecha de aceptación del manuscrito: 15/08/2022 Fecha de publicación: 29/12/2022
Abstract—This study lists dry scrub species that grow in western lowlands and interandean valleys in south Ecuador. Using material from
field trips spanning over two years, we were able to identify 314 species belonging to 71 families and 221 genera. The most diverse families
are Asteraceae (33 spp.), Fabaceae s.l. (27 spp.) and Poaceae (19 spp.). The most diverse genera are Croton (8 spp.) Euphorbia (6 spp.),
Oxalis (5 spp.) and Senna (5 spp.). 7.01% of the flora (22 spp.) is endemic to the study area, and 6.4% (20 spp.) is adventive. The dominant
life form is hemycryptophyte with 85 species (27.1%). Epiphytes, with 6 species, are the life form with fewer species (1.9 %). The work
contributes to the knowledge about plant diversity that is highly noticeable in southern Ecuador.
Keywords—Live forms, Loja, Andean valleys, Dry vegetation.
Resumen—Este estudio enumera las especies que conforman el matorral seco en las tierras bajas occidentales y los valles interandinos en
el sur de Ecuador. En un lapso de más de dos años, identificamos 314 especies pertenecientes a 71 familias y 221 géneros. Las familias más
diversas son Asteraceae (33 spp.), Fabaceae s.l. (27 spp.) y Poaceae (19 spp.). Los géneros más diversos son Croton (8 spp.), Euphorbia (6
spp.), Oxalis (5 spp.) y Senna (5 spp.). El 7,01% de la flora (22 spp.) es endémica del área de estudio y el 6,4% (20 spp.) es adventicia.
La forma de vida dominante es la hemycryptophyte con 85 especies (27,1%). Las epífitas, con 6 especies, son la forma de vida con menos
especies (1,9%). El trabajo aporta al conocimiento sobre la diversidad vegetal que es altamente notoria al sur del Ecuador.
Palabras clave—Formas vivas, Loja, Valles andinos, Vegetación seca.
In continental America, there are different dry or seaso-
nally dry plant formations that grow sporadically all over
the region. According to Lopez et al. (2006), these forma-
tions contain high biological diversity, not only in species
richness but also in endemism and life forms. Arid and se-
miarid areas currently occupy almost two-fifths of the total
global land surface area, and form the living space of more
than one billion people (Reynolds, 2001). The arid and semi-
arid ecosystems of the world are an ideal place to study eco-
logical adaptations such as intrinsic characteristics: deserti-
fication, biodiversity loss, and climate change. These are all
phenomena that affect particularly these ecosystems (Rey-
nolds and Stafford Smith, 2002). Seasonally dry plant for-
mations of the Equatorial Pacific region are located in the
dry inter-valleys of northern Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador (Es-
pinosa et al., 2012; Pennington et al., 2000). These valleys
represent slightly less than 8% of continental Ecuador, and
occur mainly in its southern land, where the terrain is moun-
tainous. The vegetation is usually sparse, isolated, xerophy-
tic, and spiny. It also presents columnar cacti as Armatoce-
reus cartwrightianus (Britton & Rose) Backeb. ex A.W. Hill
and plants with latex as Croton wagneri Müll. Arg., Euphor-
bia laurifolia Juss. ex Lam., Jatropha nudicaulis Benth., and
Ipomoea carnea Jacq.
Few taxonomic studies have been conducted in areas
within Ecuadorian arid and semi-arid ecosystems, where
such vegetation develops. In the last ve years, isolated ef-
forts have been made to document the floristic diversity in
the dry scrub of Loja and Azuay (the southern provinces),
but there are additional studies on the phenology and the dis-
tribution of many key species, the breeding methods, and the
current conservation status of species (Werner, 2009; Albuja,
2011). This lack of knowledge is accentuated by the conser-
vation status of such areas. For example, dry high areas in
the inter-Andean corridor, in general, have been subject to
human impact since the pre-hispanic era and are mostly af-
fected by human activities (Aguirre et al., 2006). The few
remnants of natural vegetation have received little attention
Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0. 94
from botanists and ecologists, thus making it difficult to as-
sess their ecological importance. In addition, this vegetation
has traditionally been considered to contain few species with
low biodiversity and few plant life forms (La Torre-Cuadros
& Linares Palomino, 2008).
Moreover, there is a lack of research on the floristic aspects
of the dry scrubland of southern Ecuador. Although there are
surveys of vegetation cover (Aguirre et al., 2006; Lozano,
2002), there is a lack of data on the floristic and taxonomic
groups that reflect the total species diversity of this ecosys-
tem. On the other hand, shrub vegetation contributes to re-
ducing erosion, which is highlighted in these environments
(Gutierrez & Squeo, 2004). For example, the presence of spe-
cies of dry scrub correlate the conservation status and diver-
sity of the ecosystem with its functionality. Nevertheless, a
global study of arid lands around the world has shown that
species richness is the most important factor for ecosystems
facing global climate change (Maestre et al., 2012). To im-
prove our understanding of plant diversity in southern Ecua-
dor, our goal is to catalog all the existing species in the study
areas of dry land scrub, using literature records and extensive
field trips.
Our list includes Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, and An-
giosperms. The collected field data set were: habitats; bio-
topes; vegetative and reproductive characters; flowers and
fruit samples. The collection of all flowering and fruiting
species was carried out in different seasons (dry season sin-
ce May-September and rainy season since October- March)
and allowed us to observe the evolution of annual species.
Photographs were also taken of botanical specimens. The
geographical coordinates of the collection points were recor-
ded. All specimens were deposited in the UTPL Herbarium
(HUTPL) and a complete set of the collections will be depo-
sited in the LOJA Herbarium. In addition, the samples were
numbered under the serial number of the collection (O. Ca-
brera, A. Prina et al., 2012). We collected at least two sam-
ples of each species. For species with wide distribution, fer-
tile samples were collected from various locations. Botani-
cal specimens were collected through simple collections. The
collection sites are shown in Fig.1, some photographs of the
collection environment in the provinces of Azuay and Loja
are shown in figures 2 3.
The identification of the collected samples was carried out
at the LOJA Herbarium and the HUTPL Herbarium. This
consisted of analyses of general floras, descriptions, mono-
graphs and data from online databases (Tropicos 2013; IP-
NI 2004 and Darwinion 2013) which provided information
about synonyms and distribution. The Fabaceae s.l. inclu-
des the three subfamilies (Mimosoidea, Caesalpinoidea and
Papilionoidea). Scientific names and authors were based on
Brummitt and Powell (1992). Status of taxa was based on
Jorgensen et al., (1999). When a species was determined and
was not cited for Ecuador according to Ulloa - Ulloa & Neill
(2005) and Neill & Ulloa - Ulloa (2011), it was considered
as a new taxonomic record. The taxa classification was ca-
rried out based on Cronquist (1968) and the updating names
was carried out in the TROPICOS database, which is based
on the APG IV system (APG 2016).
Fig. 1: Location of collection sites.
Fig. 2: León river sector, provincial border between Azuay and
Fig. 3: Plain dominated by Croton ssp. in the Alamala” sector in
the Catamayo canton of Loja province.
Additional life history consisted of the following parame-
ters: A) Origin of the species: we considered three catego-
ries: native (Nat), introduced (Intr.) and endemic (End.). B)
Taxonomic and nomenclatural remarks. For all species we
did not use “synonyms”, except in exceptional cases where
there was some controversy and unresolved questions in the
literature C) Life Forms according to Raunkiaer (1934), C1)
e-ISSN: 1390-5902
CEDAMAZ, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 94–110, Julio–Diciembre 2022
DOI: 10.54753/cedamaz.v12i2.1319
therophytes, C2) geophytes, C3) hemicryptophytes, C4) cha-
maephytes, C5) phanerophytes, C6) nanophanerophytes, C7)
vines, C8) epiphytes.
We identified a total of 314 species belonging to 71 fa-
milies and 221 genera. The most diverse botanical fami-
lies are: Asteraceae (33 species), Fabaceae s.l. (26 species),
Poaceae (19 species), Euphorbiaceae (18 species), Malva-
ceae (15 species), Convolvulaceae (13 species), Boragina-
ceae and Cactaceae (12 species), Verbenaceae (11 species),
Amaranthacae (8 species), Acanthaceae and Pteridaceae (7
species), Polygalaceae and Rubiaceae (6 species), Bigno-
niaceae, Lamiaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Oxalidaceae, Solana-
ceae and Sterculiaceae (5 species), Asclepiadaceae, Urtica-
ceae and Orchidaceae (4 species), Bromeliaceae, Cappara-
ceae, Caryophyllaceae, Iridaceae, Lythraceae, Onagraceae,
Passifloraceae, Polygonaceae, Portulacaceae and Sapinda-
ceae (3 species), Aizoaceae, Apiaceae, Apocynaceae, Carica-
ceae, Commelinaceae, Cyperaceae, Piperaceae, Plantagina-
ceae, Scrophulariaceae and Zygophyllaceae (2 species). The
remaining families (28) each have a single species.
The most diverse genera is Croton (8 species); other di-
verse genera are: Euphorbia (6 species), Oxalis and Senna
with 5 species, Alternanthera, Ayenia, Heliotropium, Jac-
quemontia, Opuntia and Tournefortia with 4 species. Abu-
tilon, Armatocereus, Convolvulus, Cordia, Evolvulus, Ipo-
moea, Lantana, Onoseris, Passiflora, Polygala, Salvia and
Sida with 3 species. Aeschynomene, Aloysia, Amaranthus,
Baccharis, Barnadesia, Boerhavia, Bothriochloa, Caesalpi-
nia, Commelina, Cuphea, Eragrostis, Galium, Gaya, Mal-
vastrum, Mirabilis, Monnina, Nicotiana, Oenothera, Parony-
chia, Pellaea, Peperomia, Phyla, Pilea, Plantago, Rhyncho-
sia, Sisyrinchium, Stachystarpheta, Talinum, Tecoma, Ti-
llandsia, Vasconcellea, with 2 species. The remaining 168
genera have only one species each (Table 1.)
Tabla 1: Species list from dry scrub of southern Ecuador.
Lycopodium thyoides Humb. & Bonpl. ex. Willd. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera 1540 HUTPL Native
Cheilanthes bonariensis (Willd.) Proctor Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 538 HUTPL Native
Notholaena sulphurea (Cav.) J. Sm. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 45, 483, 722 HUTPL Native
Pellaea sagittata (Cav.) Link Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 980 HUTPL Native
Pellaea ternifolia (Cav.) Link. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 211, 223 HUTPL Native
Pityrogramma calomelanos (L.) Link Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 458 HUTPL Native
Pteris coriacea Desv. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 572 HUTPL Native
Trachypteris inducta (Maxon) R.M. Tryon & A.F. Tryon Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 265, 755 HUTPL Native
Anemia ferruginea Kunth Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 213 HUTPL Native
Ephedra americana Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 229 HUTPL Native
Blechum pyramidatum (Lam.) Urb. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 780 HUTPL Native
Dicliptera pilosa Kunth. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 220, 314 HUTPL Endemic
Dyschoriste quitensis (Kunth) Kuntze Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 10, 585, 673 HUTPL Native
Justicia carthaginensis Jacq. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 663, 669 HUTPL Native
Ruellia geminiflora Kunth Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 639, 649, 733 HUTPL Native
Stenandrium dulce (Cav.) Ness Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 1002 HUTPL Native
Tetramerium nervosum Ness Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 360, 713 HUTPL Native
Aptenia cordifolia (L. f.) Schwantes Pterophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 1051 HUTPL Introduced
Trianthema portulacastrum L. Pterophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 574, 694 HUTPL Native
Achyranthes aspera L. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 178 HUTPL Native
Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) Kuntze Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 604 HUTPL Native
Alternanthera porrigens (Jacq.) Kuntze var. porrigens (Jacq.) Kuntze Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 22, 71, 681 HUTPL Native
Alternanthera pubiflora (Benth.) Kuntze Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 344 HUTPL Native
Alternanthera pungens Kunth Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 439 HUTPL Native
Amaranthus hybridus L. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 170 HUTPL Native
Amaranthus viridis L. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 170 HUTPL Native
Iresine diffusa Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 375 HUTPL Native
Phaedranassa cinerea Ravenna Geophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 366 HUTPL Endemic
Loxopterygium huasango Spruce ex Engl. Phanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 49 HUTPL Native
e-ISSN: 1390-5902
CEDAMAZ, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 94–110, Julio–Diciembre 2022
DOI: 10.54753/cedamaz.v12i2.1319
Arracacia equatorialis Constance Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 157 HUTPL Native
Niphogeton ternata (Willd. ex Schltr.) Matias & Constance Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 100 HUTPL Native
Prestonia mollis Kunth Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 61, 317, 716 HUTPL Native
Rauvolfia tetraphylla L. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 609 HUTPL Native
Ditassa endolueca Schlrt. Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 442, 446, 495, 500 HUTPL Native
Macroscepis hirsuta (Vahl) Schltr. Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 382, HUTPL Native
Marsdenia cundurango Rchb. f. Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 319, 358 HUTPL Native
Sarcostemma solanoides (Kunth) Decne. Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 21, 36, 88, 411, 680 HUTPL Native
Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera 1506 HUTPL Native
Baccharis sternbergiana Steud. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 517 HUTPL Native
Barnadesia aculeata (Benth.) I Chung Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 944 HUTPL Endemic
Barnadesia arborea Kunth Phanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 662 HUTPL Native
Bidens pilosa L. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 152 HUTPL Native
Cacosmia rugosa Kunth Phanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 110 HUTPL Native
Centratherum punctatum Cass. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 14 HUTPL Native
Chromolaena roseorum (B.L. Rob.) R.M. King & H. Rob. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 57 HUTPL Native
Cotula coronopifolia L. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 591 HUTPL Introduced
Delilia biflora (L.) Kuntze Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 193 HUTPL Native
Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 428 HUTPL Introduced
Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 963 HUTPL Native
Fulcaldea laurifolia (Bonpl.) Poir. ex Less. Phanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 185 HUTPL Endemic
Galinsoga parviflora Cav. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 128 HUTPL Native
Gamochaeta americana (Mill.) Wedd. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 536 HUTPL Native
Heterosperma diversifolium Kunth Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 29, 202 HUTPL Native
Lagascea mollis Cav. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 208, 712 HUTPL Native
Onoseris albicans (D. Don) Ferreyra Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 224 HUTPL Native
Onoseris salicifolia Kunth Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 253, 579 HUTPL Endemic
Onoseris speciosa Kunth Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 1007 HUTPL Native
Ophryosporus peruvianus (J.G. Gmel.) R.M. King & H. Rob. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 777 HUTPL Native
Parthenium hysterophorus L. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 77 HUTPL Native
Perymenium jelskii (Hieron.) S. F. Blake Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 93 HUTPL Native
Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 54, 697 HUTPL Native
Schkuhria pinnata (Lam.) Kuntze Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 18, 172 HUTPL Native
Stevia bertholdii B. L. Rob. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 260 HUTPL Native
Tessaria integrifolia Ruiz & Pav. Phanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 440 HUTPL Native
Trichocline peruviana Hieron. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 212 HUTPL Native
Verbesina lloensis Hieron. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 2, 121, 643 HUTPL Native
Viguiera incana (Pers.) S. F. Blake Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 6 HUTPL Endemic
Wedelia helianthoides Kunth Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 217 HUTPL Native
Zinnia peruviana (L.) L. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 368 HUTPL Native
Anredera baselloides (Kunth) Baill. Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 393 HUTPL Native
Berberis englerianaC. K. Schneid. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 540 HUTPL Native
Amphilophium paniculatum (L.) Kunth Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 611 HUTPL Native
Delostoma integrifolium D. Don Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 946 HUTPL Native
Mansoa hymenaea (DC.) A. H. Gentry Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 361 HUTPL Native
Tecoma castaneifolia (D. Don) Melch. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 306 HUTPL Native
Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 367 HUTPL Native
Cordia cylindrostachya (Ruiz & Pav.) Roem & Schult. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 899 HUTPL Native
Cordia lutea Lam. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 415 HUTPL Native
Cordia scaberrima Kunth Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 569 HUTPL Native
Heliotropium angiospermum Murray Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 566 HUTPL Native
Heliotropium argenteum Lehm. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 24, 696 HUTPL Endemic
Heliotropium indicum L. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 65 HUTPL Introduced
Heliotropium rufipilum (Benth.) I.M. Johnst. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 97 HUTPL Native
Tournefortia chinchensis Killip Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 368, 456 HUTPL Native
Tournefortia hirsutissima L. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 438 HUTPL Native
Tournefortia microcalyx (Ruiz & Pav.) I.M. Johnst. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 600 HUTPL Native
Tournefortia polystachia Ruiz & Pav. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 665 HUTPL Native
Varronia globosa Jacq. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 860 HUTPL Native
Lepidium bipinnatifidum Desv. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 865 HUTPL Native
Puya lanata (Kunth) Schult. f. Epiphyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 214 HUTPL Native
Tillandsia spiralipetala Gouda Epiphyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 59, 82 HUTPL Native
Tillandsia straminea Kunth Epiphyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 337 HUTPL Native
Bursera graveolens (Kunth) Triana y Planch. Phanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 630 HUTPL Native
Armatocereus brevispinus Madsen Nanophanerophyte J.E. Madsen 75217, AAU, LOJA Endemic
Armatocereus cartwrightianus (Britton & Rose) Backeb. ex A.W. Hill Nanophanerophyte J.E. Madsen 7343 AAU, LOJA Native
Armatocereus matucanensis Backeb. ex. A.W. Hill Nanophanerophyte J.E. Madsen 86074 AAU, LOJA Native
Cleistocactus icosagonus (Kunth) F.A.C. Weber Chamaephyte J.E. Madsen 50225 AAU, LOJA Native
e-ISSN: 1390-5902
CEDAMAZ, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 94–110, Julio–Diciembre 2022
DOI: 10.54753/cedamaz.v12i2.1319
Cylindropuntia tunicata (Lehm.) F.M. Knuth Nanophanerophyte C.R. Loayza 99 HUTPL Native
Espostoa lanata (Kunth) Britton & Rose Nanophanerophyte J. E. Madsen 36825 AAU, LOJA Native
Hylocereus polyrhizus (F.A.C. Weber) Britton & Rose Epiphyte J. E. Madsen 61161 AAU; LOJA Native
Melocactus bellavistensis Rauh & Backeb. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera 1549 HUTPL Native
Opuntia cylindrica (Lam.) DC. Chamaephyte J.E. Madsen 36791, AAU, LOJA Native
Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. Nanophanerophyte J. E. Madsen 36819 AAU, LOJA Introduced
Opuntia pubescens J. C. Wendl. ex Pfeiff. Chamaephyte J. E. Madsen 36821, AAU, LOJA Native
Opuntia quitensis F.A.C. Weber Nanophanerophyte J.E. Madsen 36820, AAU, LOJA Native
Beautempsia avicennifolia (Kunth) Gaudich Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 414 HUTPL Native
Colicodendron scabridum (Kunt) Seem. Phanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 648 b HUTPL Native
Cynophalla mollis (Kunth) J. Presl. Phanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 648 HUTPL Native
Vasconcellea candicans A. Gray Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 397 HUTPL Native
Vasconcellea parviflora (A. DC.) Solms Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 53, 083, 106 HUTPL Native
Paronychia communis Cambess. Hemycryptrophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 231B, 445, 529, 541 HUTPL Native
Paronychia communis Cambess. var. subglabra Chodat et Hassl. Hemycryptrophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 117 HUTPL Native
Stellaria media (L.) Vill. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 190 HUTPL Native
Vismia lauriformis (Lam.) Choisy Phanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 608 HUTPL Native
Commelina difusa Burm. f. Hemycryptrophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 52, 112, 158, 381, 707 HUTPL Native
Commelina erecta L. Hemycryptrophyte O. Cabrera, A. Prina 513 HUTPL Native
Convolvulus hermanniae L‘Herit Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 67 HUTPL Native
Convolvulus nodiflorus Desr. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 519 HUTPL Native
Convolvulus siculus L. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 171 HUTPL Introduced
Evolvulus argyreus Choisy Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 486, 515 HUTPL Native
Evolvulus convolvuloides (Willd. ex Schult.) Stearn Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 432 HUTPL Native
Evolvulus sericeus Sw. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 3, 30, 31, 44, 410 670 HUTPL Native
Ipomoea carnea Jacq. Nanophanerophyte B. Mac Bryde 317 MO, LOJA Native
Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 894 HUTPL Native
Ipomoea turbinata Lag. Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 990 HUTPL Native
Jacquemontia elegans Helwig Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 51, 72, 422, 718, 734 HUTPL Native
Jacquemontia floribunda (Kunth) Hallier f. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 878 HUTPL Native
Jacquemontia tamnifolia (L.) Griseb. Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 91 HUTPL Native
Jacquemontia weberbaueri Helwing Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 578 HUTPL Native
Cucumis dipsaceus Ehrenb. ex Spach Vine O. Cabrera 1509 HUTPL Introduced
Cyperus aggregatus (Willd.) Endl. Hemycryptrophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 124, 453 HUTPL Native
Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roem. & Schult. Hemycryptrophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 530 HUTPL Native
Cnidosculus urens (L.) Arthur Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 74, 315 HUTPL Native
Croton alnifolius Lam. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 646 HUTPL Native
Croton eggersii Pax Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 615 HUTPL Native
Croton elegans Kunth Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 576 HUTPL Endemic
Croton pycnanthus Benth. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 546 HUTPL Endemic
Croton rivinifolius Kunth Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 321 HUTPL Endemic
Croton ruizianus Müll. Arg. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 218 HUTPL Native
Croton ruizianus var. podadenius Müll. Arg. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 847 HUTPL Native
Croton wagneri Müll. Arg. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera 1527. O. Cabrera y A. Prina 75 HUTPL Endemic
Dalechampia scandens L. Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 47, 109, 359 HUTPL Native
Euphorbia hirta L. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 206, 231,377, 433 HUTPL Native
Euphorbia hypericifolia L.. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 17 HUTPL Native
Euphorbia lasiocarpa (Klotzsch) Arthur Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 671 HUTPL Native
Euphorbia thymifolia L. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 43 HUTPL Native
Euphorbia weberbauerii Mansf. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 60, 81, 87, 496, 705 HUTPL Native
Jatropha nudicaulis Benth. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera 1516. O Cabrera y A. Prina 365 HUTPL Endemic
Tragia volubilis L. Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 781 HUTPL Native
Acacia macracantha Humb. & Bonpl. ex. Willd. Phanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 27 HUTPL Native
Aeschynomene scoparia Kunth Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 62, 772 HUTPL Native
Aeschynomene villosa Poir. Nanophanerophyte W. Lewis 2197, LOJA, MO Native
Bauhinia augusti Harms Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 316 HUTPL Native
Caesalpinia glabrata Kunth Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 631 HUTPL Native
Caesalpinia spinosa (Molina) Kuntze Phanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 303 HUTPL Native
Calliandra taxifolia (Kunth) Benth. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 108 HUTPL Native
Centrosema virginianum (L.) Benth. Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 785 HUTPL Native
Chamaechrista glandulosa (L.) Greene Nanophanerophyte J. E. Madsen 7889 LOJA Native
Cercidium praecox (Ruiz & Pav.) Harms Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 130 HUTPL Native
Clitoria ternatea L. Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 708 HUTPL Introduced
Cyathostegia mathewsii (Benth.) Schery Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera 1514. O. Cabrera y A. Prina 339 HUTPL Native
Desmodium vargasianum B.G. Schub. Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 941 HUTPL Native
Lupinus pubescens Benth. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 846 HUTPL Native
Macroptilium atropurpureum DC. Urb. Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 915 HUTPL Native
Mimosa loxensis Barneby Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera 1503 HUTPL Endemic
Piptadenia flava (Spreng. ex DC.) Benth. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 779 HUTPL Native
Rhynchosia reticulata (Sw.) DC. Hemycryptrophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 537 HUTPL Native
e-ISSN: 1390-5902
CEDAMAZ, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 94–110, Julio–Diciembre 2022
DOI: 10.54753/cedamaz.v12i2.1319
Rhynchosia senna Gillies ex Hook. & Arn. Hemycryptrophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 284 HUTPL Native
Senna bicapsularis (L.) Roxb. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 704 HUTPL Native
Senna huancabambae (Harms) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 553 HUTPL Native
Senna incarnata (Pav. ex Benth.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera 1523 HUTPL Native
Senna mollissima (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Phanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 706 HUTPL Native
Senna pistaciifolia (Kunth) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 521, 747 HUTPL Native
Stylosanthes scabra Voguel Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 7, 34, 448, 506 HUTPL Native
Vigna luteola (Jacq.) Benth. Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 205 HUTPL Native
Zornia reticulata Sm. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 1046 HUTPL Native
Cicendia quadrangularis (Lam.) Griseb. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 246 HUTPL Native
Erodium cicutarum (L.) L‘Her. ex Aiton Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 235 HUTPL Introduced
Heppiella ulmifolia (Kunth) Hanst. Nanophanerophyte O Cabrera y A. Prina 162 HUTPL Native
Ennealophus foliosus (Kunth) Ravenna Geophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 928 HUTPL Native
Sisyrinchium caespitificum Kraenzl. Geophyte O Cabrera y A. Prina 544 HUTPL Native
Sisyrinchium iridifolium Kunth Geophyte O Cabrera y A. Prina 539 HUTPL Native
Krameria lappacea (Dombey) Burdet & B. B. Simpson Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 270, 490, 514 HUTPL Native
Hyptis eriocephala Benth. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 165, 690 HUTPL Native
Salvia coccinea Buc´hoz ex. Etl. Hemycryptrophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 721 HUTPL Introduced
Salvia squalens H.B.K. Hemycryptrophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 144, 258, 305 HUTPL Native
Salvia tiliifolia Vahl Hemycryptrophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 323 HUTPL Introduced
Scutellaria volubilis Kunth Hemycryptrophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 179 HUTPL Native
Mentzelia fendleriana Urb. & Gilg Hemycryptrophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 719 HUTPL Native
Struthanthus flexilis (Rusby) Kuijt Epyphyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 641 HUTPL Native
Adenaria floribunda Kunth Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 997 HUTPL Native
Cuphea ciliata Ruiz & Pav. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 236 HUTPL Native
Cuphea racemosa (L.f.) Spreng. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 374 HUTPL Native
Heteropterys brachiata (L.) DC. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 188 HUTPL Native
Abutilon pubistamineum Ulbr. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 1048 HUTPL Native
Abutilon umbellatum (L.) Sweet Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 56 HUTPL Native
Abutilon virgatum (Cav.) Sweet Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 196 HUTPL Native
Anoda cristata (L.) Schltdl. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 1019, 1028 HUTPL Native
Gaya calyptrata (Cav.) Kunth ex Schum. Chamaephyte J. E. Madsen 75030 AAU; QCA, LOJA Native
Gaya gaudichaidiana A. St. Hil Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 264 HUTPL Native
Herissantia crispa (L.) Brizicky Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 692 HUTPL Native
Hibiscus escobariae Fryxell Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 424 HUTPL Endemic
Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 204 HUTPL Native
Malvastrum tomentosum (L.) S.R.Hill Chamaephyte O. Cabrera 1518 HUTPL Native
Pavonia sepium A. St.-Hil. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 16, 39, 68, 96, 485, 674 HUTPL Native
Sida acuta Burm f. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 732 HUTPL Native
Sida cordifolia L. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 1032 HUTPL Native
Sida poeppigiana (K. Schum.) Fryxell Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 324 HUTPL Native
Wissadula diffusa R. E. Fr. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 482 HUTPL Endemic
Cissampelos tropaeolifolia DC. Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 809 HUTPL
Mollugo verticillata L. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 617 HUTPL Native
Boerhavia diffusa L. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 73, 475 HUTPL Native
Boerhavia erecta L. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 616 HUTPL Native
Bougainvillea peruviana Bonpl. Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 638 HUTPL Introduced
Mirabilis violacea (L.) Heimerl. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 28 HUTPL Native
Mirabilis viscosa Cav. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 102, 266, 556, 619 HUTPL Native
Ludwigia peruviana (L.) H. Hara Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 778 HUTPL Native
Oenothera pubescens Willd. ex Spreng. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 256, 557, 848 HUTPL Native
Oenotera rosea L´Her. ex. Aiton Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 947 HUTPL Native
Encyclia aspera (Lindl.)Schltr. Epyphyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 832 HUTPL Native
Malaxis andicola (Ridl.) Kuntze Geophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 551 HUTPL Native
Porphyrostachys pilífera (Kunth) Rchb. f. Geophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 136, 710 HUTPL Native
Trichoceros onaensis Christenson Geophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 982 HUTPL Native
Oxalis articulata Savigny Geophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 379 HUTPL Native
Oxalis elegans Kunth Geophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 155, 176, 209 HUTPL Native
Oxalis microcarpa Benth Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 588 HUTPL Native
Oxalis peduncularis Kunth Geophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 498, 660 HUTPL Native
Oxalis psoraleoides Kunth Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 156, 352, 463 HUTPL Native
Passiflora capsularis L. Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 895 HUTPL Native
e-ISSN: 1390-5902
CEDAMAZ, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 94–110, Julio–Diciembre 2022
DOI: 10.54753/cedamaz.v12i2.1319
Passiflora foetida L. Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 363 HUTPL Native
Passiflora sanguinolenta Mast. & Linden Vine O. Cabrera y A. Prina 907 HUTPL Native
Phytolacca dioica L. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 437 HUTPL Native
Peperomia galioides Kunth Geophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 497 HUTPL Native
Peperomia peltigera C.DC. Geophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 46,304, 717 HUTPL Native
Plantago afra L. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 262 HUTPL Introduced
Plantago myosorus Lam. Hemycryptophye O. Cabrera y A. Prina 216 HUTPL Introduced
Plumbago scandens L. Hemycryptophye O. Cabrera y A. Prina 874 HUTPL Native
Aristida schiedeana Trin. & Rupr. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 543 HUTPL Native
Bothriochloa barbinodis (Lag.) Herter Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 542 HUTPL Native
Bothriochloa saccharoides (Sw.) Rydb. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 251, 502 HUTPL Native
Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 122 HUTPL Native
Eragrostis mexicana (Hornem.) Link Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 129, 174 HUTPL Native
Eragrostis nigricans (Kunth) Steud Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 174b HUTPL Native
Homolepis aturensis (Kunth) Chase Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 164 HUTPL Native
Microchloa kunthii Desv. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 550 HUTPL Native
Nasella mucronata (Kunth) R. W. Pohl Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 175 HUTPL Native
Oplismenus hirtellus (L.) P. Beauv. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 160 HUTPL Native
Pappophorum pappiferum (Lam.) Kuntze Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 325 HUTPL Native
Paspalum lividum Trin ex. Schltdl. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 241 HUTPL Native
Piptochaetium montevidense (Spreng.) Parodi Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 243 HUTPL Native
Schizachyrium tenerum Ness Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 242 HUTPL Native
Sporobolus purpurascens (Sw.) Ham. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 244, 248, 532 HUTPL Native
Trachipogon plumosus (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Nees Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera 1521 HUTPL Native
Tragus berteronianus Schult. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 4, 38, 137, 294, 693 HUTPL Introduced
Trichloris pluriflora E. Fourn. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 163 HUTPL Native
Tripogon nicorae Rugolo & A. S. Vega Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 247 HUTPL Native
Cantua quercifolia Juss. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 225 HUTPL Native
Monnina celastroides (Bonpl.) Chodat Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 450 HUTPL Native
Monnina sandemanii Ferreyra Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 528 HUTPL Native
Polygala paniculata L. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 167, 687 HUTPL Native
Polygala platycarpa Benth. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 1049 HUTPL Native
Polygala violacea Aubl. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 387, HUTPL Native
Pteromonnina leptostachya (Benth.) B. Eriksen Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 1, 385 HUTPL Native
Rumex pulcher L. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 228, HUTPL Introduced
Ruprechtia jamesonii Meisn. Phanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 629, 645 HUTPL Native
Portulacca oleraceae L. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 140, 622 HUTPL Native
Talinum fruticosum (L.) A. Juss. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 177 HUTPL Native
Talinum paniculatum (Jacq.) Gaertn. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 481 HUTPL Native
Anagallis arvensis L. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 257, 280, 281 HUTPL Native
Gouania lupuloides (L.) Urb. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 476 HUTPL Native
Arcytophyllum thymifolium (Ruiz & Pav.) Standl. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina139, 227 HUTPL Native
Borreria asurgens (Ruiz & Pav.) Griseb. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 116, 267, 555 HUTPL Native
Galium ecuadoricum Dempster Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 143 HUTPL Endemic
Galium fosbergii Dempster Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 488 HUTPL Endemic
Spermacoce postrata Aubl. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 443 HUTPL Native
Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 226 HUTPL Native
Llagunoa nítida Ruiz & Pav. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 573 HUTPL Native
Serjania paniculata Kunth Liana O. Cabrera y A. Prina 520 HUTPL Native
Alonsoa meridionalis (L.f.) Kuntze Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 562 HUTPL Native
Stemmodia durantifolia (L.) Sw. Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 132 HUTPL Native
Iochroma cyaneum (Lindl.) G.H.M. Lawr. & J.M. Tucker Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 187 HUTPL Native
Lycianthes lycioides (L.) Hassl. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 9, 70, 525 HUTPL Native
Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertn. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 85, 287 HUTPL Introduced
Nicotiana glutinosa L. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 50, 308, 474 HUTPL Native
Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viv. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 983 HUTPL Native
Ayenia eliae Cristobal Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 819,820 HUTPL Native
Ayenia erecta Mart. ex K. Schum Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 150, 510, 732, 756 HUTPL Native
Ayenia jussieuii Cristobal Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 19, 55, 581, 677, 971 HUTPL Native
Ayenia o´donell Cristobal Hemycryptophyte F. Tinitana 1540 HUTPL Native
Bittneria aculeata (Jacq.) Jacq. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 691 HUTPL Native
Turnera scabra Millsp. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 1043 HUTPL Native
e-ISSN: 1390-5902
CEDAMAZ, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 94–110, Julio–Diciembre 2022
DOI: 10.54753/cedamaz.v12i2.1319
Celtis iguanaea (Jacq) Sarg. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 603 HUTPL Native
Pilea microphylla (L.) Liebm. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 494, 580, 715 HUTPL Native
Pilea serpyllacea (Kunth) Liebm. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 238, 245 HUTPL Native
Pouzolzia occidentalis (Liebm.) Wedd. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 245, 512 HUTPL Native
Urtica urens L. Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 153 HUTPL Introduced
Aloysia leptophylla Loes. &. Moldenke Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 565 HUTPL Native
Aloysia scorodonioides (Kunth) Cham. Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 152 HUTPL Native
Duranta dombeyana Moldenke Nanophanerophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 656 HUTPL Native
Glandularia laciniata (L.) Schnack & Covas Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 259 HUTPL Native
Lantana canescens Kunth Chamaephyte O. Cabrera 1502. O. Cabrera y A. Prina 20 HUTPL Native
Lantana reptans Hayek Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 125, 534, 632 HUTPL Native
Lantana velutina M. Martens & Galeotti Chamaephyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 667 HUTPL Native
Phyla betulaefolia (Kunth) Greene Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 169 HUTPL Native
Phyla strigulosa (M. Martens & Galeotti) Moldenke Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 610 HUTPL Native
Stachystarpheta steyermarkii Moldenke Hemycryptophyte O Cabrera y A. Prina 362 HUTPL Endemic
Stachystarpheta straminea Moldenke Hemycryptophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 371, 606 HUTPL Native
Kallstroemia parviflora Norton Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 408, 583, 621 HUTPL Introduced
Tribulus terrestris L. Therophyte O. Cabrera y A. Prina 25, 63, 90, 201, HUTPL Introduced
The dominant life form in areas of dry scrub is Hemycry-
ptophyte with 85 species. Epiphyte is the life form with fewer
species (6). The remaining species are included in determi-
ned life forms (Table 2).
Tabla 2: Life forms of dry scrub species in south Ecuador.
Hemycryptophyte 85
Nanophanerophyte 67
Therophyte 56
Chamaephyte 46
Vine 29
Phanerophyte 13
Geophyte 12
Epyphyte 6
Total 314
Fig. 4: Species for liveforms determined in dry scrub of Souther
Among the 314 species identified, 22 species are ende-
mic; this represents 7.01% of the total. Croton wagneri Müll
Arg., Viguiera incana (Pers.) S. F., Wissadula diffusa E. R.
Fr. and Phaedranassa cinerea Ravenna are endemic to Ecua-
dor. Dicliptera pilosa Kunth, Mimosa loxensis Barneby, Ar-
matocereus brevispinus Madsen and Stachystarpheta steryer-
markii Moldenke, are endemic to Loja province. Fulcaldea
laurifolia (Bonpl.) Poir. ex Less, Croton eggersii Pax, Cro-
ton rivinifolius Kunth and Hibiscus escobariae Fryxell are
endemic to the Coast. Croton elegans Kunth, Croton py-
cnanthus Benth, Galium ecuadoricum Dempster, Galium fos-
bergii Dempster, Heliotropium argenteum Lehm, Monnina
celastroides (Bonpl.) Chodat, Onoseris salicifolia Kunth and
Stevia bertholdii B. L. Rob are endemic to the Andes in Ecua-
dor. Jatropha nudicaulis Benth. was recorded as endemic to
Azuay province, so it is a new record for Loja (Table 3). The
remaining species are introduced and native (Table 4).
Seasonally dry scrub ecosystems have traditionally been
considered as being degraded, containing low plant biodiver-
sity, and being structurally homogeneous, nevertheless obtai-
ned results configure a different vision (La Torre-Cuadros &
Linares-Palomino, 2008). The disparity in knowledge of the
floras in different regions of the world implies that research
has been exhaustive in selected places. On the other hand, in
arid and semi-arid areas there is a lack of data with respect to
Tabla 3: Life forms of endemic species of dry scrub of Southern
Endemic species Ch G H N P T V Conservation
Armatocereus brevispinus Madsen 1Critically Endangered
Barnadesia aculeata (Benth.) I Chung 1 Vulnerable
Croton eggersii Pax 1 Endangered
Croton elegans Kunth 1 Low Concern
Croton pycnanthus Benth. 1 Near Threatened
Croton rivinifolius Kunth 1 Endangered
Croton wagneri Mull. Arg. 1 Near Threatened
Dicliptera pilosa Kunth. 1 Vulnerable
Fulcaldea laurifolia (Bonpl.) Poir. 1 Low Concern
Galium ecuadoricum Dempster 1 Endangered
Galium fosbergii Dempster 1 Endangered
Heliotropium argenteum Lehm 1 Vulnerable
Hibiscus escobariae Fryxell 1 Near Threatened
Jatropha nudicaulis Benth. 1 Low Concern
Mimosa loxensis Barneby 1 Endangered
Monnina celastroides (Bonpl.) Chodat 1 Vulnerable
Onoseris salicifolia Kunth 1 Low Concern
Phaedranassa cinerea Ravenna 1 Vulnerable
Stachystarpheta steyermarkii Moldenke 1 Vulnerable
Stevia bertholdii B. L. Rob. 1 Vulnerable
Viguiera incana (Pers.) S. F. Blake 1 Low Concern
Wissadula difusa E.R. Fr. 1 Endangered
Ch= Chamaephyte, G= Geophyte, H= Hemycryptophyte, N=
Nanophanerophyte, P= Phanerophyte, T= Therophyte, V= Vine.
Tabla 4: Life forms of introduced species of dry scrub of Southern
Introduced species Ch G H N P T V
Aptenia cordifolia ((L. f.) Schwantes 1
Bougainvillea peruviana Bonpl. 1
Clitoria ternatea L. 1
Convolvulus siculus L. 1
Cotula coronopifolia L 1
Cucumis dipsaceus Ehrenb. ex. Spach 1
Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. 1
Erodium cicutariun (L.) L‘Her. ex Aiton 1
Heliotropium indicum L. 1
Kallstroemia parviflora Norton 1
Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertn. 1
Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. 1
Plantago afra L. 1
Plantago myosorus Lam 1
Rumex pulcher L. 1
Salvia coccinea Etl. 1
Salvia tiliifolia Vahl 1
Tragus berteronianus Schult. 1
Tribulus terrestris L. 1
Urtica urens L. 1
Ch= Chamaephyte, G= Geophyte, H= Hemycryptophyte, N=
Nanophanerophyte, P= Phanerophyte, T= Therophyte, V= Vine.
the floristic knowledge of species. Often, this bias is due to
the false assumption that there exists “less biological diver-
sity”, or that the “drylands are less susceptible to deteriora-
tion than tropical forests” (Prina & Alfonso, 2002). However,
as our study indicates, this may not always necessarily be the
In Ecuador, the dry scrub occurs in valleys and along slo-
pes where evergreen tree species, shrubs, herbs, and seaso-
nal epiphytes grow. The seasonal plant group provides many
species of the total flora in the scrub. Vegetation can be
prickly but does not dominate the area. According to Sie-
rra et al., (1999) this vegetation type is found in the northern
sub-region in the Andean valleys of Chota, Guayllabamba,
Patate, Yunguilla-Jubones. The above cited authors propo-
se as typical species Opuntia pubescens J. C. Wendl. ex.
Pfeiff, Dodonaea viscosa Jacq., Acacia macracantha Humb.
& Bonpl. ex. Willd., Mimosa quitensis Benth, Croton wag-
neri Mull. Arg., and Caesalpinia spinosa (Molina) Kunth-
ze, among others, being the same species that characterize
the dry scrub of our study site. In the south sub-region, dry
e-ISSN: 1390-5902
CEDAMAZ, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 94–110, Julio–Diciembre 2022
DOI: 10.54753/cedamaz.v12i2.1319
scrub is recorded for the valleys of Vilcabamba, Malacatos,
and Catamayo. The characteristic species are Opuntia spp.,
Colicodendron scabridum (Kunth) Seem., Cynophalla mollis
(Kunth) J. Presl, AAcacia macracantha Humb & Bonpl. ex.
Willd., Mimosa quitensis Benth, Croton wagneri Müll. Arg.
(most common bush) and Dodonaea viscosa Jacq.
Families and species found in this study correspond to
arid ecosystems. Lopez (2003) indicates that in the Boli-
vian dry valleys, characteristic botanical families are: Aste-
raceae, Cactaceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae, and Bro-
meliaceae. Asteraceae in southern Ecuador is also the most
diverse, except for Solanaceae and Bromeliaceae the other
families are also considered as the most diverse in our study.
In the Andean arid place, Figueroa (2007) found 223 species
of vascular plants; the most diverse families were Legumi-
nosae, Poaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Asteraceae, which coin-
cides with the most diverse families in the scrub of southern
Ecuador. On the other hand, at genera and species levels the-
re were floristic similarities found in Fabaceae sl. (Legumi-
nosae), with Stylosanthes and Rhynchosia genera growing in
Ecuador and Bolivia. In Poaceae, Sporobolus and Tragus ber-
teronianus Schult., are growing in both countries. In Euphor-
biaceae, Croton, Cnidosculus, Euphorbia and Jatropha, grow
in both countries, the same occur with Asteraceae species li-
ke Lagascea mollis Cav., Tessaria integrifolia Ruiz & Pav.
and Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass.
In dry scrub in northern Ecuador, Werner (2009) refers to
80 species among those that have similarities with the dry
valleys of southern Ecuador: Acacia macracantha Humb y
Bonpland ex. Willd., Alternanthera porrigens (Jacq.) Kun-
tze, Anagallis arvensis L., Arcytophyllum thymifolium (Ruiz
& Pav.) Standl., Caesalpinia spinosa (Molina) Kuntze, Chei-
lanthes bonariensis (Willd.) Proctor, Commelina erecta L.,
Croton elegans Kunth, Dodonaea viscosa Jacq., Ephedra
americana Willd., Euphorbia hirta (L.) Mill., Iochroma cya-
neum (Lindl.) G.H.M. Lawr. & J.M. Tucker, Lycianthes ly-
cioides (L.) Hassl., Nicandra physalioides (L.) Gaertn., Oxa-
lis peduncularis Kunth, Pavonia sepium A. St.-Hil., Portu-
lacca oleracea L., Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth, Tesaria
integrifolia, Tribulus terrestris L.
Albuja (2011) analyzed the biodiversity of Interandean dry
valleys of Ecuador. His work included four of the locations
(Yunguilla, Ceibopamba, San Pedro and Nambacola); mat-
ching species are: Acacia macracantha Humb y Bonpland
ex. Willd., Caesalpinia spinosa (Molina) Kunthze, Ipomoea
carnea Jacq., Colicodendron scabridum (Kunth) Seem., Cro-
ton wagneri Mull. Arg., Cyathostegia mathewsii (Benth.)
Schery, Senna mollisima (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd) H. S.
Irwin & Barneby, Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.
Finally, Euphorbia weberbaueri Mansf. (Figure 5-6) is a
new record for Ecuador (Cabrera-Cisneros & Prina, 2013),
Beautempsia avicennifolia (Kunth) Gaudich (Figure 7) ac-
cording to Cornejo and Iltis (2009) is a genus resurrected"for
the flora of Ecuador. Varronia globosa Jacq. (Figure 8-9) ac-
cording to Miller and Gottschlling (2007) is a “resurrected”
genus for Cordiaceae. The first two reported species were co-
llected in the Catamayo canton, being floristic common ele-
ments in the environment and as they do not have known
uses, they are not under any threatened level. The third spe-
cies was collected in Calvas canton, also in a wild environ-
ment, its most immediate threats are fires and deforestation
for land use change.
Fig. 5: Floral branch of Euphorbia weberbaueri Mansf.
Fig. 6: Adult individual of Euphorbia weberbaueri Mansf.
After carrying out the floristic inventory of the arid valleys
of Loja province, we can conclude the following:
The arid valleys were considered throug years, ecosystems
that shown low floristic diversity level, however, the data ob-
Fig. 7: Flower and buds of Beautempsia avicennifolia (Kunth)
Gaudich (Caprifoliaceae).
Fig. 8: Inflorescence of Varronia globosa Jacq. (Cordiaceae).
Fig. 9: Floral Branch and leaves of Varronia globosa Jacq.
tainned in this research show a highly diverse ecosystem that
is potentially threatened by changes in land.
The various life forms of the species are considered an im-
portant factor when assessing overall diversity.
A combination of endemic, native and introduced species
result in an ecosystem with unique floristic diversity and re-
inforces the view that southern Ecuador is one of the most
diverse regions of the country.
OC, FT, NC and AP designed the methodology, identified
the collected specimens, analyzed the data and wrote the ma-
nuscript in its original form.
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