e-ISSN: 1390-5902
CEDAMAZ, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 14–17, Enero–Junio 2024
DOI: 10.54753/cedamaz.v14i1.1593
Evaluación de residuos agrícolas, como sustrato para la producción artesanal
del Hongo Ostra (Pleurotus Ostreatus)
Evaluation of agricultural waste, as a substrate for the artisanal production of the
Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus Ostreatus)
Ricardo Albuja-Narváez 1, Ana Ruth Álvarez-Sánchez 2,* y Juan José Reyes-Pérez 2
1Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Unidad de Posgrado, Maestría en Agronomía mención en desarrollo sostenible. Quevedo,
2Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo. Av. Quito. Km 1 ½ vía a Santo Domingo. Quevedo, Los Ríos, Ecuador, CP 120504
*Autor para correspondencia: aalvarezs@uteq.edu.ec
Fecha de recepción del manuscrito: 14/09/2022 Fecha de aceptación del manuscrito: 02/01/2024 Fecha de publicación: 30/06/2024
ResumenPleurotus ostreatus es uno de los hongos comestibles más consumidos a nivel mundial, en Ecuador, no existe mucha infor-
mación sobre el uso de residuos agrícolas que sirvan como sustratos óptimos, ni adaptaciones agroclimáticas del cultivo artesanal de este
hongo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar diferentes residuos agrícolas, como sustrato para la producción artesanal del hongo ostra
(Pleurotus ostreatus) en la comunidad del Carmen, Loja, Ecuador. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se evaluaron tres tratamientos con
cinco repeticiones para cada tratamiento, los tratamientos fueron evaluados en residuos agricolas de: bagazo de caña (T1), cascarilla de
café (T2) y tamo de arroz (T3), las variables que se midieron fueron: precocidad, eficiencia biológica y tasa de producción. El diseño
estadástico utilizado fue un diseño completamente al azar evaluado estadísticamente mediante un ANOVA con el programa estadístico R.
Los resultados indicaron que para el tratamiento con bagazo de caña (T1) la precocidad encontrada fue de entre 34 y 44 días, obteniendo
una producción promedio de 25% y una eficiencia biológica de 15%. Para el cultivo del hongo en los residuos de cascarilla de cafe. (T2)
se observaron problemas de crecimiento; en el tratamiento con tamo de arroz (T3) presentá una precocidad entre 52 y 81 días con una
producción promedio de 3,2% y una eficiencia biológica promedio de 2%. Concluyendo que el bagazo de caña es el residuo agrícola más
recomendado para el cultivo del hongo Pleurotus ostreatus en la comunidad del Carmen, Loja Ecuador.
Palabras clave—Bagazo de cana de azucar, Eficiencia biologica, Precocidad, Tamo de arroz, Tasa de produccion
AbstractPleurotus ostreatus is one of the most consumed edible mushrooms worldwide, in Ecuador, there is not much information on
the use of agricultural residues that serve as optimal substrates, nor agroclimatic adaptations of the artisanal cultivation of this fungus. The
objective of this work was to evaluate different agricultural residues, as a substrate for the artisanal production of the oyster mushroom
(Pleurotus ostreatus) in the community of Carmen, Loja, Ecuador. For the development of this work, three treatments with five replicates
for each treatment were evaluated, the treatments were evaluated on agricultural residues of: cane bagasse (T1), coffee husk (T2) and rice
chaff (T3), the variables that were measured were: earliness, biological efficiency and production rate. The statistical design used was a
completely randomized design statistically evaluated by means of an ANOVA with the statistical program R. The results indicated that
for the treatment with sugar cane bagasse (T1) the earliness found was between 34 and 44 days, obtaining an average production of 25%
and biological efficiency 15%. For the cultivation of the fungus in the coffee husk residues (T2), growth problems were observed; in the
treatment with rice chaff (T3) it presented an earliness between 52 and 81 days with an average production rate of 3.2% and an average
biological efficiency of 2%. Concluding that cane bagasse is the most recommended agricultural residue for the cultivation of the fungus
Pleurotus ostreatus in the community of Carmen, Loja Ecuador.
Keywords—Sugarcane bagasse, Biological efficiency, Earliness, Rice chaff, Production rate
Pleurotus ostreatus is one of the most consumed foods
worldwide (Grimm & Wösten, 2018), it ranks second
among the most popular edible mushrooms in the western
world, below Lentinula edodes (shiitake) and with a crop
production between 18% and 19% (Puig-Fernández et al.,
2020). In 2020, it is estimated that the cultivation of mush-
rooms represented a consumption of USD 16.7 billion (Saha-
gún, 2020). This market is represented by medicinal mush-
rooms (38%), wild edible mushrooms (8%) and edible culti-
vated mushrooms (54%) (D. J. Royse et al., 2017). In China
Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0. 14
alone, 87% of the 35,000 million kg of edible mushrooms
are produced for annual local consumption (Kapahi 2018).
The consumption of mushrooms in European countries, es-
pecially in the Nordic countries is culturally accepted (Svan-
berg & Lindh, 2019). Latin America does not have a culture
so developed by the consumption of mushrooms, but as time
passes this trend is changing.
In Ecuador, Pleurotus ostreatus is an introduced species
cultivated especially by many mycology enthusiasts, and
only for personal consumption since there is not yet a cul-
ture of mushroom consumption as widespread as in other re-
gions of the world. In addition to this, there is almost no re-
search on regional agroclimatic adaptation and substrate use,
which is available in the country to cultivate this type of edi-
ble mushrooms, being a relatively new activity in the Ecua-
dorian market, which could be developed in populations with
limited economic resources (Cruz et al., 2021). However, it
is known that some native communities in Ecuador consu-
me mushrooms collected from the forest as part of their diet
(Gamboa et al., 2019).
The lack of information of the adaptations needed to cul-
tivate the Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom in different agro-
climatic regions, as well as the lack of incentives for rural
communities. This has affected the production and commer-
cialization of this mushorrom, despite its great importance in
the circular economy and in the production of edible and/or
medicinal ( Grimm & Wösteb, 2018). A possible solution to
improve production and yield is use of local agricultural re-
sidues, as these are easy to obtain and low cost, allowing for
artisanal production. In addition, by using agricultural resi-
dues, it contributes to the circular economy and takes advan-
tage of resource that was previously considered waste.
That is why, the objective of this work was to evaluate dif-
ferent agricultural residues of the main local industries, as a
substrate for the artisanal production of the oyster mushroom
(Pleurotus ostreatus). This work is important because it will
allow us to understand how the cultivation behavior of the
Pleurotus ostreatus fungus is on an artisanal scale in diffe-
rent agricultural substrates with the agroclimatic conditions
of Loja where environmental temperatures range from 9 ºC
to 21 ºC. In addition to starting to answer questions about the
adaptation of cultivation in these cold sites and with high hu-
midity, delivering valuable knowledge about mushroom cul-
tivation to the most vulnerable populations in the sector.
The research was conducted in the community of Car-
men in the city of Loja, between the months of Septem-
ber through December 2021, a community located between
the geographical coordinates of 1’ 42.063” South latitu-
de and 79° 10’ 56.654"West longitude, at an altitude of 2060
m.s.n.m. with an average temperature of 23 °C.
A completely randomized design (DCA) was used, with 3
treatments T1) in cane bagasse; T2) coffee husk and T3) rice
straw. With a total of 20 gr of mycelium per experimental unit
in quintuplicate. The genetic material used to conduct this
research was Pleurotus ostreatus mycelium acquired from
.Edible Fungi DIKARYA". The substrate obtained was steri-
lized by means of two processes: 1) Exposing the substrate
in water at 70 ºC for 30 minutes; 2) In an electric pressure
cooker brand INSIGNIA, for 15 minutes and 15 pounds 15
pounds of pressureof pressureusing the programming "Vege-
table Steem", after this, calcium carbonate (agricultural lime)
was placed in the amount 10 g per bag.
In this study, 2 kg polyphane bags were used for the cul-
tivation of Pleurotus ostreatus fungus. Each bag contained
10 g of mycelium and 800 g of dry subtrate composed of
local agricultural residues selected from sugarcane bagasse,
coffee husks and rice straw. Subsequently, a wet weight was
carried out with approximately 65 to 75% humidity (hand
test = crush the substrate in the hand and just a few drops of
waterfall), (Cruz et al., 2021).
Once the bags of each substrate had been inoculated with
the mycelium, the bags were closed with a YONG TELI
brand bag sealer, model PFS 300, after this, the contents we-
re mixed homogeneously leaving two small holes in the bags
to remove the air and compact the substrate together with the
mycelium. The cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus was carried
out in greenhouse conditions.
The variables analyzed in this work were: precocity of the
fungus where it took as reference the number of days that it
takes for the fungus to grow, from inoculation to the appea-
rance of the first primordia subsequently, we performed the
calculations proposed by Vega & Frank, (2013), for measu-
ring the rate of production (TP) and the biological efficiency
(BE) of the fungus to each of the treatments.
EB(%) = Weight of fresh mushrooms (g)
Weight of fresh substrate (g) ×100 (1)
Number of days of the process (harvest) (2)
The results expressed in percentage were transformed for
their statistical processing by the formula sin1%, which
guaranteed that they complied with a normal distribution and
with homogeneity so that in this way, ANOVA parametric
statistics was used. All the results were analyzed by analysis
of variance and the means of the treatments were compared
by means of Tukey’s Multiple Range Tests; These analyzes
were performed with 95% confidence (0.05). The statistical
software used was the R studio (Rstudio Team, 2020).
The precosity of the Pleurotus ostreatus fungus cultiva-
ted by hand on different substrates was obtained that, the
treatment based on cane bagasse (T1) was the most effec-
tive relative to the other treatments obtaining development
values between 34 and 44 days statistically significant re-
sults (P=0.02161). Our results are similar to those reported
by Cruz et al., (2021) who observed that in combined subs-
trates of coffee husk, rice husk and sawdust the primordia of
P. ostreatus grew between 35 and 45 days. Cardenas (2017),
showed that the time to develop the mycelium in cane bagas-
se substrate was 35 days and Cuervo & Garzon, (2008) found
that in cane bagasse the Pleurotus ostreatus fungus took 39
days to develop primordia.
Treatment 2 (T2), using coffee husks did not have good
results in this research, this is consistent with what was re-
ported by Fan et al (2006) who found that substances in cof-
e-ISSN: 1390-5902
CEDAMAZ, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 14–17, Enero–Junio 2024
DOI: 10.54753/cedamaz.v14i1.1593
fee husks such as tannins and caffeine can have a toxic ef-
fect on fungus cultures. Such as P. ostreatus, significantly af-
fecting its growth, biological efficiency and production rate.
This may be caused by the ability of tannin to act as enzyme
inhibitors, preventing the fungus from synthesizing enzymes
necessary to degrade the substrate and develop. Mateus et al.
(2017) also reports that boiled coffee substrates may be mo-
re susceptible to contamination by green fungi such as Tri-
choderma, which compete for space and nutrients, causing
Pleurotus growth inhibition.
Which hindered the growth of P. ostratus within this subs-
trate. This result is possibly due to what was reported by Fan
et al., (2006) who reports that in coffee husk substrates there
are substances such as tannins and caffeine that can exert a
toxic effect on fungal crops, mainly P. ostratus reason why,
it can significantly affect the growth of the fungus. Mateus
et al., (2017) reports that coffee substrates that are boiled
present greater contamination by green fungi. It should be
mentioned that, the treatment with rice tamo (T3), presen-
ted a precosity between 52 and 81 days (Fig 1). Regarding
Fig. 1: Precosity of the Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom cultivation
in different agricultural residues where: T1) in cane bagasse; T2)
coffee husk and T3) rice straw.
the production rate (PT), it was obtained that the treatment
based on cane bagasse (T1) had higher average values in
the production rate of 25%, statistically significant results
(P0,008082) (Fig 2). Our results are similar to those found
by Cuervo & Garzon, (2008) who found that, in cane ba-
gasse, the TP was 32%, just as those reported by Cardenas,
(2017) indicated a low TP of 15% in cane bagasse substra-
te. On the contrary, Cuervo & Garzon, (2008) expresses that
by mixing coffee leftovers with sugarcane bagasse, the best
results in productivity are obtained. hey express that in their
research, however, they do not indicate the percentage of it.
Other studies express that combined substrates may be better
than individual substrates but do not say exactly which subs-
trates For the biological efficacy (EB), the treatment based on
cane bagasse (T1) demonstrated the best results, obtaining a
biological efficacy between 5% and 15% with statistically
significant data (P0,005678) (Fig 3). Our results are lo-
wer than those reported by Vetayasuporn (2006), who notes
in his study that under controlled laboratory conditions, it is
possible to achieve a biological efficacy of 103.56%. Howe-
ver, he reported a biological efficacy of 36%, which is much
higher than what was found in this work.
In order for the process to be economically feasible, as es-
Fig. 2: Production rate (TP%) of the Pleurotus ostreatus
mushroom culture in different agricultural residues where: T1) in
cane bagasse; T2) coffee husk and T3) rice straw.
Fig. 3: Biological efficacy (EB%) of the Pleurotus ostreatus
mushroom culture in different agricultural residues where: T1) in
cane bagasse; T2) coffee husk and T3) rice straw.
tablished by the applied technology, the yields must be grea-
ter than 10% and the biological efficiency must reach values
of at least 40% (Puig et al., 2020), therefore, the results of
biological efficiency and yield in cane bagasse found in this
study would not be satisfactory for biological efficiency, so in
EB they were perceived as lower than those found with other
authors, however Ríos et al., (2010), express that the low per-
centages mainly of Biological Efficiency, they are caused by
variations in time mainly to the variability of temperature and
humidity conditions, causing stress on the development of
the fungus, decreasing its metabolism. The treatment with
rice straw (T3) did not obtain good yields in terms of the th-
ree variables of precosity, biological efficiency and produc-
tion rate that was measured in this study in addition to this,
Cueva & Monzón, (2014) conclude that rice straw is not a
good substrate for the cultivation of the fungus, due to its low
moisture retention. It is recommended to revise the transla-
tion from Spanish to English, and to use technical terms for
a good understanding in the English language.
Although our results are not as expected, we can conclude
that the sugar cane bagasse is a good base substrate for the
cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus, showing good results in
terms of the variables of precosidad and production Rate, but
a low activity in the variable Biological Efficiency that can
be explained by the climatic conditions of the place where
the study was conducted, giving us more information about
the behavior of this crop is mainly in conditions of low tem-
perature and high humidity.
RAN): field work, manuscript writing; (ARAS): research,
translator, data analysis; (JJRP): article editing, statistical
To the State Technical University of Quevedo, for the sup-
port granted through the Competitive Fund for Scientific and
Technological Research (FOCICYT) 8th Call, through the
project .Agricultural use of fish crop biosolids and their effect
on vegetable production”.
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