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ReVista Económica

Steps for article approval

Template for articles

Instructions for authors

Revista Económica (RVE) is a biannual scientific journal that disseminates economics research and related topics. The topics of interest that fit with the objectives of the RVE are the applied economic growth and development models, the applied regional economics, the applied environmental economics, the regional development policy, the applied economic policy, and in general, all the works that contribute to the understanding of the dimensions of economic development with a strong econometric support. The general criteria for articles to be accepted are the novelty of the article, the methodological and data approach, and the adjustment with the objectives of the journal.

Once the papers are submitted to the journal, the Editor, with the support of the Associate Editors, will determine if the article is considered for review. In the event that there is a match between the objectives of the journal and the article submitted, the Editor will send the work to two anonymous reviewers who have published articles in scientific journals from the ISI, SCIMAGO or LATINDEX database. This ensures that the quality of the peer review is objective and of scientific quality. Based on the comments of the anonymous reviewers, the Editor of the journal with the support of the Associate Editors, can make the following decisions: accept the article without modifications, accept the article conditional on the changes, and reject it. Once the work has been rejected, it cannot be resubmitted for one year. Your submission before the year will be automatically rejected by the Editor. When items are accepted with changes, these can be minor changes and major changes. The Editor will notify the authors of the decision made on the article.

All papers must have a strong support in modern quantitative econometric tools. The methodology must be chosen by the authors based on advances in the field of applied econometrics. The specific rules of the articles and other general aspects are detailed below.


National or regional economic policy decisions in developing countries require more tools to support correct and objective decision-making, adjusted to their reality and context, and not based on recipes or adaptations that come from the policies applied in countries developments. The models and methodologies developed in the latter constitute an important input, however, social researchers must and can do more to accelerate economic development in accordance with the structural characteristics of developing countries. This dimension constitutes the essence and raison d'être of RVE.

General features

Articles must be between 6,000 and 10,000 words long, including annexes. Before submitting an article to RVE, the authors must ensure that the manuscript must contain a technical and objective explanation of the economic and social phenomena observed in developing countries. Although comparative research with developed countries is also accepted. The language must be specialized, formal and understandable by the academic community of the Economics specialty.

Title, author(s) and institutional affiliation

The title must be original, a summary of the entire article and realistic, and its length must not exceed two lines. It is recommended to include the space/place where the research is carried out but not the time, leaving the inclusion of time at the discretion of the authors. It is recommended to use a name and a surname, leaving the use of both surnames by the author at his discretion. If this is the case, they must be joined by a hyphen. In the institutional affiliation it must go under the name of the author (s) and the contact information in a footer only with the corresponding author. The Author and institutional affiliation will be omitted by the Editor when documents are submitted for peer review.


The abstract must be a summary paragraph that does not exceed 250 words.


The keywords are identifiers that address the topic dealt with in the academic article. These words must be separated by a period and must be as closely related to the JEL Classification. You must use between 3 and 5 key words or phrases.

JEL Classification

To organize the large number of academic articles in the field of economics, a classification of topics is used according to the system used by the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL). This classification is carried out by the American Economic Association every quarter and includes information on books and articles that have recently been published in the disciplines of economics.

Authors must add between 3 and 5 JEL codes to three digits separated by a period, which must be as closely related to the keywords. In the following link you will find more information about the JEL classification:


All articles submitted to RVE must have five sections. The five sections must be numbered with Hindu-Arabic numerals consecutively with justified format. The five parts are as follows:

1. Introduction

2. Theoretical framework and empirical evidence

3. Data and methodology

4. Discussion of results

5. Conclusions

In sections three, four and five, authors can choose other equivalent names. For example, instead of "Theoretical framework and empirical evidence" it can be called "Theory and review of previous literature". In the event that there is a sub-classification within each section, the numbering must begin in each section with the section number. For example, if in section 3 there are two sub-classifications. The first will be 3.1 and the second 3.2 and so on, and then the numbering continues with the number that corresponds to the next section. The following explains what aspects each section contains.


The total extension of this section must not exceed 1.5 pages (taking into account the type and size of the letter, the spacing and the line spacing that are detailed later).

Theoretical framework and/or empirical evidence

Theoretical framework and/or empirical evidence is also called a literature review, this part should not exceed 2 pages. For an article to be cited by the Author or authors, it must be an academic article published in scientific journals of the scientific databases: ISI, SCOPUS, LATINDEX, etc.). At the discretion of the authors of the article, in exceptional cases working papers may be cited, the number of which should not exceed three documents. Avoid citing printed or digital newspapers, opinions, popular magazines, informative books of a non-academic nature, citations of work documents without author and/or date, newspapers, graduate and postgraduate theses not published in academic journals and other documents and ideas that do not go through a peer review filter (academic journals).

Data and methodology

This section is divided into two sections and should not exceed 3 pages. This section must include the statistical sources of the data, where the description of the type of variables, the calculation of indicators and/or econometric model must be included. That is, all the transformations carried out to obtain the variables used in the econometric estimates. After reading this section, it should be clear to the reader where the author (official statistical institution) took the data from, its online availability, its limitations, among others. The incorporation of maps, descriptive statistics, correlation graphs, spatial dependency analysis and any information that helps to understand the research problem is key to a good article.

In this section they must state which ones with the dependent variable(s), the independent variables(s) or the variables clearly. The approach and the way to structure it will depend on the authors of the articles. The number of control variables must be defined between the authors. In addition, this section should include the econometric methodology, instrument, means, or tool used to meet the objective, verify the hypothesis, and answer the research questions. The methodology must be replicable.

Discussion of results

This section contains two parts: the presentation of the obtained results, the explanation of the same, and the discussion with the results of the theory and the empirical evidence used in the previous section. In addition, it must have a maximum of four pages, in the writing the academic debate between the results found in the academic article with the results found in the works cited in the empirical evidence must be reflected.

The tables of the econometric results must be generated in a statistical software (recommended programs that allow you to generate the routine of everything done) directly by means of commands in order to ensure the honesty and replicability of the results. The tables must be presented in papers-type format with the standard estimators and statistics of academic articles.


This section shows what the article did, the relevant results, the limitations of the article, suggestions for possible research that can be developed from your research, and policy implications.

Citations and bibliographical references

It must be cited under the APA format throughout the document, both for citations and for bibliographic references. Cited articles must be published in academic journals. In this process you can rely on any reference manager.

Examples of bibliographical references:

Solow, R.M. (1956). A contribution to the theory of economic growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 65-94.
Lucas, R. (1988). On the mechanics of economic development. Journal of Monetary Economics 22, 3-42.


Attachments are optional. In case of including them, in this section you should add only the charts, tables, maps, statistical descriptions that contain relevant information for the reader but that do not deserve to be placed in the second part of the academic article.