The determinants of child malnutrition in Loja

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Jairo Rivera-Vásquez
Stephany Olarte-Benavides
Nadya Rivera-Vásquez


Ecuador has a hard problem of child malnutrition, where its prevalence of stunting and overweightis higher than the Latin American average. Within the country there is a diversityof prevalence among the provinces, where Loja presents indicators slightly higher than thenational average. In this sense, this research aims to analyze child malnutrition in Loja andits evolution. The methodology is quantitative, using the Living Conditions Surveys from1999-2006-2014, through econometric models with probabilistic regression analysis. Themain results of the study are that child malnutrition presents different determinants ofmalnutrition and overweight, where stunting is associated with household characteristics,and overweight does not have a defined determinant.


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Rivera-Vásquez, J. ., Olarte-Benavides, S. ., & Rivera-Vásquez, N. . (2021). The determinants of child malnutrition in Loja. Revista Económica, 9(1), 55–60. Retrieved from


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