Relevance of the academic offer and the labor field of professionals in Risk Management in the province of Loja

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Alicia Astudillo-Guamán
Marcia López-Sánchez
María Paredes-Malla
Wilson Poma-Proaño


Ecuador is a vulnerable territory and is exposed to various natural and anthropic threats. Given this, there is a need to establish actions aimed at protecting and guaranteeing the rights of the population through adequate risk management by people trained in security. . The general objective is to contribute to the strengthening of the labor field of Risk Management professionals in the province of Loja, through the analysis of the criteria of the relevance study issued by the Higher Education Council (CES) in order to improve the academic offer. of higher education. Regarding the methodology used, it was exploratory, the same one that focused on investigating aspects of reality. As results, it was possible to affirm through the National Information System of Higher Education of Ecuador (SNIESE) that within the academic field none of the three universities in the city of Loja have the Risk Management career, for this reason the lack of academic offer generates an unsatisfied demand in public and private institutions.


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How to Cite
Astudillo-Guamán, A., López-Sánchez, M., Paredes-Malla, M., & Poma-Proaño, W. (2022). Relevance of the academic offer and the labor field of professionals in Risk Management in the province of Loja. Revista Económica, 10(1), 9–17.


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