Examining the demand for plastics during the pandemic: A factorial approach

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Josué Ochoa-Cabrera
Pablo Ponce


In Ecuador, during the first months of the coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19), an average of 12,613 tons/day of solid waste was recorded, of which about 1,388 tons belong to plastic waste. Therefore, this study examines the relationship of the COVID-19 and the consumption of plastics in the homes of the city of Loja during the pandemic, through a statistical analysis with structural equations of partial square mininos (PLS-SEM), taking into consideration planned/planned behavior theory (TPB). The results show that environmental awareness and the COVID-19 have an impact and are significant on the demand for plastics in homes in the city of Loja, while the variable social norms do not prove to have an impact or to be significant. Therefore, if less stringent restrictive policies were proposed during the pandemic, the use of reusable personal protective equipment was encouraged and campaigns were promoted to develop better environmental awareness, the demand for plastics in the city of Loja would have been mitigated.


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Ochoa-Cabrera, J. ., & Ponce , P. . (2023). Examining the demand for plastics during the pandemic: A factorial approach. Revista Económica, 11(1), 104–117. https://doi.org/10.54753/rve.v11i1.1536


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