Artificial intelligence as a tool for the detection of tax fraud: The case of Colombia

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John Moreno-Hernandez
Juana Campos-Molano
Yesica Medina-Betancourt
Daniel Poloche-Valencia


Tax fraud over the years has been one of the global problems with the greatest impact on economies, which represents a risk in tax systems, so the fight against this scourge has become an issue of great global relevance. To this end, different tools have been analyzed to help minimize it, where Artificial Intelligence (AI) appears as a new digital technology that analyzes, detects and predicts fraud situations, with the use of large databases and the creation of global programs based on algorithms, which automatically responds to a detected anomaly. Therefore, the objective of this research is to analyze how AI helps in the detection of tax fraud and what progress Colombia has made in its use. At the methodological level, it is a documentary and analytical study, based on scientific literature. As a result, international governments, through AI, have developed different systems such as AQM (Aranda Query Manager), for the detection of tax fraud; a valuable tool for the reduction of tax evasion and avoidance; but it is important to highlight the advances using unsupervised machine learning techniques that have shown accuracy results of 98%.


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How to Cite
Moreno-Hernandez, J., Campos-Molano, J., Medina-Betancourt, Y., & Poloche-Valencia, D. (2023). Artificial intelligence as a tool for the detection of tax fraud: The case of Colombia. Revista Económica, 11(2), 25–35.
Author Biographies

Juana Campos-Molano, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Estudiante VIII Semestre del programa de Contaduría Pública de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia.

Yesica Medina-Betancourt, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Estudiante VIII Semestre del programa de Contaduría Pública de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia.

Daniel Poloche-Valencia, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Estudiante VIII Semestre del programa de Contaduría Pública de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia


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