Physical properties and wood anatomical characteristics of three species of Guayacán in southern Ecuador


  • Shirley Agila Carrera de Ingeniería Forestal Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Angélica Burneo
  • Luis Narváez Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Darwin Pucha-Cofrep Universidad Nacional de Loja


Guayacán, Handroanthus chrysanthus, billbergii, serratifolius, physical properties, wood anatomy


The study was realized in the dry forest of southern Ecuador, in the Mangahurco, Nueva Fatima and Santa Lucia sectors. Three species were studied: Handroanthus chrysanthus, Handroanthus billbergii, and Handroanthus serratifolius. Wooden test tubes were obtained from the shaft of individual trees considering biogeographic characteristics of the site, and dasometric parameters. In each test tube the organoleptic, macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of the wood were deter-mined. The results showed an abrupt transition between the color of the heartwood (brown) and the sapwood (yellowish brown) of the three species. There were notable differences in the characteristics of the wood, H. chrysanthus of the Nueva Fátima sector presented the highest value of moisture content (18,54 %) and did not present contractions of its wood, while H. serratifolius presented the highest density basic. Respect to the anatomical characteristics, most species showed axial parenchyma of paratracheal type, confluent, unilateral paratracheal and in thin bands, as well as reticulated and escali-form, and simple perforation plates with polygonal alternating intervessel pits. H. billbergii, presented fibers with very thick cell walls, and H. chrysanthus from Nueva Fátima showed spindle-like cells of eight cells per strand of parenchyma. A notable difference was observed in the radios, where H. chry-santhus and H. serratifolius presented radios from 1 to 3 series, and H. billbergii was the only one that showed exclusively uniseriate radios, a key element for the differentiation of forest species through a wood sample. Therefore, this study provides the basis for the identification of forest species through their microscopic and anatomical characteristics of wood, especially those of high commercial value in southern Ecuador.


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Author Biographies

Luis Narváez, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Laboratorio de Dendrocronología y Anatomía de Maderas Tropicales

Darwin Pucha-Cofrep, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Laboratorio de Dendrocronología y Anatomía de Maderas Tropicales


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How to Cite

Agila, S., Burneo, A., Narváez, L., & Pucha-Cofrep, D. (2018). Physical properties and wood anatomical characteristics of three species of Guayacán in southern Ecuador. Bosques Latitud Cero, 8(2), 1–15. Retrieved from




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