Incidence of ICTs on economic expansion in Ecuador: An approach towards sustainable development

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Daniel Quizhpe
Pablo Ponce


The digital empowerment of globalized sectors, who with free and total access to ICT achieve a superior lifestyle, enjoying better jobs, higher educational quality and greater productivity as soon as digital inclusion can grant, as opposed to vulnerable sectors and with economic limitations, where a digital divide of 11.4% translates into obstacles to economic growth and social development. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate the impact of ICT on the economic growth of Ecuador, period 2008-2018. For the present study, all the annual information from 21 provinces of Ecuador was processed, which appears in the National Survey of Employment, Underemployment and Unemployment (ENEMDU, 2019) and the Technological Survey (ET, 2019) published by INEC (2019). . Panel data econometric techniques were used, through the application of a generalized least squares (GLS) model. The main results showed a positive relationship between economic growth and ICT, whose relationship improves if people have a higher level of schooling, are older, are mestizo and live in urban areas. This reinforces the idea that policy decisions to reduce the digital divide should not only focus on reinforcing the digital infrastructure, but also adopt measures that can reduce digital exclusion through education and reduce the costs of digital inputs, through through the consolidation of a model of technological innovation.


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How to Cite
Quizhpe, D., & Ponce , P. . (2022). Incidence of ICTs on economic expansion in Ecuador: An approach towards sustainable development. Revista Económica, 10(2), 96–112.


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