Editorial: The current economy and the contribution of the RVE

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Cristian Ortiz


The Revista Económica (RVE) contributes to the academic debate from a technical and scientific perspective through semi-annual publications in digital and printed format. The journal approaches the issues with a rigorous application of econometric techniques to economic and social problems. The first topic of this issue deals with food security for a sample of 291. In the first topic of this issue, Erazo and Toledo (2023) conclude that the main factors for an individual to use a sustainable means of transportation are the area, gender, head of household, and reasons for mobility such as the need to travel, safety, concern for the environment, health, savings, and proximity. Jimenez, Correa-Jaramillo and Ordóñez-Yaguache (2023) use a Godet methodology, added to constraint and multicriteria trees and their results suggest the need to strengthen the development plan with better structured indicators and goals and include minimum standards that the United Nations 2030 Agenda in order to have sustainable development in the city of Loja.
Masache-Cevallos, Luzuriaga-Medina and Valle-Carrión (2023) show that, in Ecuador, bananas obtained a higher NPV of 38,649 while coffee reported 1,047, achieving profitability in the production process and overcoming obstacles in the scenarios analyzed during the period 2000-2021. Pérez Álvarez, Mora-Tordecillas and Salcido-Vega (2023) find that customers show a clear disposition towards carbonated beverages by 44% in the municipality of Ahome and an average expenditure of $5.84 on soft drinks is estimated. Likewise, Guamán and López (2023) confirmed that there is a balance in the short and long term; and, unidirectional causality that goes from economic growth to public spending, from public spending to exports, and from exports to economic growth. Macas-Chalán (2023) use a focus group methodology to generate conversations with female leaders who are members of two relevant political organizations of the Saraguro canton, and it was determined that the gender inequality that still prevails in political participation, and even when women participate, receive different forms of violence. For their part, López-López et al (2023) find that international demand is a market signal that stimulates Ecuadorian shrimp production. However, although the behavior of European demand has grown, it is the demand from other regions that determines the growth trend of production.
Cambisaca-Díaz and Macías-Badaraco (2023) show that Ecuador presents an optimal level of commercial competitiveness compared to its competitors and that although cocoa exports in the period analyzed have had significant increases and a prominent role in the national and regional economy , its performance has not been sufficient to characterize Ecuador as a competitive country in the production of cocoa internationally. Vásquez-Dávila and Bravo-Benavides (2023) conclude that climate change does influence agricultural production in the province of Loja, given that temperature and precipitation are favorable until reaching an optimal level of production resistance, when exceeding said level. level brings negative effects on agricultural production. Ochoa-Cabrera and Ponce (2023) show that environmental awareness and COVID-19 affect and are significant on the demand for plastics in households in the city of Loja, while the social norms variable does not prove to have an incidence or be significant. .
We extend the invitation to read the articles, the opinion and the debate on the exposed topics are welcome.
Christian OrtizResponsible Editor Economic MagazineNacional University of LojaLoja, Ecuador


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How to Cite
Ortiz, C. (2023). Editorial: The current economy and the contribution of the RVE. Revista Económica, 11(1), 8. Retrieved from https://revistas.unl.edu.ec/index.php/economica/article/view/1738

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