Peer Review
In this step, the editor sends the article to external reviewers. Each article will have at least two reviewers, who will have a total of three weeks to return the article with one of the following comments:
- Accept (No changes required).
- Changes required (The article cannot be published as is. The editor must inform the authors of the necessary corrections).
- Send for new review (The article requires substantial changes. The editor must return the article to the author, and the author must make the required corrections. The author must then submit the article and undergo the review process again).
- Send to a different journal (The article’s scope does not align with the journal’s scope).
- Reject (The submitted manuscript must be rejected as is).
- View comments (A comment section will be included in specific rejection cases, such as plagiarism or attempts of intellectual dishonesty).
The editor selects reviewers and evaluators based on their expertise and academic knowledge of a specific topic, which must align with that of the article. Another consideration is that the reviewers must have already gone through the research process and have recognition in the field for their contributions and ethical principles. If the reviewers believe they cannot review an article for any reason, they must inform the editor. Reasons for a reviewer not continuing the review process may include, among others, familial ties to the authors, prior knowledge of the article, or any other conflict of interest.
Double-Blind Peer Review
Double-blind peer review means that the identity of both the author and the reviewer is kept anonymous. If the reviewer does not know the identity of the authors, it prevents potential biases from forming. This ensures objectivity in the review process.
Once the evaluation is received, the author has two weeks to submit the corrected version of the manuscript. Afterward, the editor will have five weeks to make a final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the article. In case of disagreements between the editor and the reviewers, the editor will make the final decision. An important aspect to highlight is that all parties involved in the process (authors, editors, reviewers) will be able to verify the article’s status and will be notified of each step taken and each decision made. If all participants respect the indicated timeframes and follow the process accordingly, the article will go through the entire process in an estimated time of three months and two weeks, and it will be ready for publication.
The criteria followed to decide whether an article is accepted or not are available in the evaluation tool. These criteria are as follows:
- The topic matches the areas of interest of the journal.
- The article makes a significant contribution to the literature.
- The information included is useful and helps solve an existing problem.
- The article is new and has not been published before.
- It is original or meta-analytical.
- The proposed methodological design of the article is solid and fully relates to the problem addressed.
- The results are addressed objectively.
- The conclusions are consistent and show sufficient support.
- The article is well-organized, coherent, and well-written in terms of mechanics and language use