About the Journal
Bosques Latitud Cero is a peer-reviewed, open-access scientific journal published in digital format by the National University of Loja, with biannual editions (January and July). Founded in 2005, it has a multidisciplinary focus on areas such as biodiversity, climate change, silviculture of native forests and plantations, agroforestry and silvopastoral systems, forest production, timber and non-timber forest products, wood technology, forest industries, forest-agricultural genetics and breeding, agricultural pests and diseases, watersheds, water resources, rural socioeconomic development, environmental land-use planning, ecological restoration, economics and trade related to forest products, environmental, forestry, agronomic, agricultural, and other sciences related to Renewable Natural Resources. The journal is aimed at professionals and researchers working in these fields of knowledge.
The journal aims to strengthen research and development within the scientific community, academia, and society, providing a platform for the dissemination and transfer of research findings from various academic perspectives.
ISSNe: 2528-7818
Publication Frequency and Edition Format
The journal follows a semiannual publication schedule: January to June and July to December. Each edition is published in January and July.
The publication will be released in two digital formats: PDF and HTML.
Types of Contributions
The journal receives, evaluates, and publishes scientific research papers in Spanish and English in three types of contributions: research articles, scientific notes, and guides/reviews.
- Research articles, present original findings from theoretical, experimental, or field studies that contribute to scientific knowledge and must not exceed fifteen pages.
- Scientific notes, with a maximum length of twelve pages, communicate original findings that, although partial, require rapid dissemination. This category includes descriptions of new species and cultivars, pests, diseases, and methodological adjustments.
- Guides and reviews, written by specialists in the journal's fields of interest, provide a critical analysis of available knowledge on a specific topic. These contributions must not exceed twenty pages.
To ensure the publication of high-quality, original, and relevant scientific articles, guaranteeing compliance with editorial, regulatory, and technical standards at both national and international levels, thus contributing to the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of rigorous and updated research.
To position itself as a leading journal in the dissemination of scientific research, recognized for its editorial rigor, commitment to academic excellence, and contribution to knowledge development in its thematic field, both in Ecuador and internationally.
Interoperability Protocol
The full text, metadata, and citations of the articles can be tracked and accessed with permission. Our open social policy also allows the readability of the files and their metadata, promoting interoperability under the OAI-PMH 2.0 protocol for open data and open code. The files, both of the complete publications and their segmentation by articles, are available in open access in HTML and PDF formats, facilitating reading on any device and computing platform.
Metadata ("data about data") is essential for supporting a wide range of activities, including record management, preservation management, cataloging, and resource discovery (ISO 15836, 2009).
Metadata is generated by the author when submitting their article for review in the journal's platform managed by the Open Journal System (OJS). This metadata enables network or journal searches based on key manuscript characteristics, such as author information, article details, topic, date, and keywords.
Referencing Articles in Bosques Latitud Cero
We provide the following reference format (APA 7th Edition) for citing our articles in the journal.
Last Name, A., Last Name, B., & Last Name, C. (2025). Specific article title. Bosques Latitud Cero, 15(1), start page – end page. https://doi.org/xxxxxxxxxxx
Gonzalez Valdiviezo, K., Eguiguren, P., & Homeier, J. (2025). Altitudinal variation of aboveground carbon content in tropical dry forests in the Laipuna Natural Reserve in southern Ecuador. Bosques Latitud Cero, 15(1), 31–43. https://doi.org/10.54753/blc.v15i1.2089
Publishing Entity
Editorial Universidad Nacional de Loja
Dirección: Ciudad Universitaria "Guillermo Falconí Espinosa", Bloque 71. Segundo Piso. Av. Pío Jaramillo Alvarado y Reinaldo Espinoza, La Argelia, Loja - Ecuador.
Cod. Postal: 110103
PBX: (+593) 07 2547 252
🌐 Web: https://revistas.unl.edu.ec/index.php/bosques/index
📧 Email: bosqueslatitudcero@unl.edu.ec / vinicio.alvarado@unl.edu.ec
© UNL 2025