Preliminary evaluation of floristic composition and vegetation uses in secondary forests, Azuay province


  • Oswaldo Jadán-Maza
  • Hugo Cedillo
  • Ángel Peralta
  • Pedro Zea
  • Cristian Toledo
  • Braulio Tepán
  • Calos Vaca


Andes, Azuay, upper montane, use, tropical


The secondary high Andean forests > 2900 masl have been scarcely studied floristically in southern Ecuador. They have great attributes in diversity and uses in their vegetation. In the present study we evaluated parameters of richness, diversity and structure of the vegetation in two altitudinal levels and their relationship with the use of the vegetation. Twenty plots located at two altitudinal levels were installed. The values obtained for the parameters and variables were analyzed by means of mean comparisons between the two altitudinal levels. Variation in floristic composition was analyzed by species exchange and non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis (EMD-NM). Parameters that explained the variation in floristic composition were selected and analyzed by ordination, correlation and spatial association in principal components. Higher values of richness, structure and potential use in shrublands were recorded in the plots located in the second altitudinal level. There was a low exchange of species, resulting in two floristically different altitudinal levels. The richness, abundance and dominance in shrublands is correlated with potential uses of the vegetation, which are associated with the plots located at higher altitudes. According to floristic dissimilarity, it was concluded that species composition is explicitly related to variables that co-vary with altitude and vegetation management or use.


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How to Cite

Jadán-Maza, O., Cedillo, H., Peralta, Ángel, Zea, P., Toledo, C., Tepán, B., & Vaca, C. (2017). Preliminary evaluation of floristic composition and vegetation uses in secondary forests, Azuay province. Bosques Latitud Cero, 6(2), 32–44. Retrieved from

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