Flora of Tapichalaca Reserve - Jocotoco Foundation, Valladolid, Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador. Evergreen Shrubland and Paramo Herbaceous Vegetation
Tapichalaca, Jocotoco Ecuador Fundation, Valladolid, Zamora ChinchipeAbstract
The Tapichalaca Reserve is property of the Jocotoco Ecuador Foundation, it is internationally recognized for being the habitat of one of the rarest birds in the world Grallaria ridgelyi (gralaria-jocotoco), this discovery was thanks to ornithologist Dr. Robert Ridgely. The Foundation has a large area of 3,925 hectares of montane forest and moorland, with a high degree of endemism. The reserve has eight trails such as Jocotoco, Quebrada Honda, Tapir, Páramo, Las Pavas, Las Tangaras, Sendero Ondulado Antpitta and Piha, where you can observe extraordinary species of flora and fauna that are part of the biodiversity conservation plan. of the foundation. This guide presents 75 plant species that grow and develop in the plant formations: Evergreen Shrub and Herbal del Páramo located in the Sabanilla mountain range, in the Ventanillas sector in the direction of the mountain ridges, on the road that connects the parishes of Yangana in the province of Loja and Valladolid in the province of Zamora Chinchipe, whose altitude ranges between 2200–3300 m a.s.l., where herbaceous and shrubby vegetation predominates, associated with the latter with few epiphytic elements, which is restricted to high areas. , with intense rainfall and low temperatures. This document is the result of the botanical expedition that was developed by a collaboration between the Jocotoco Foundation and the technical team of the “Reinaldo Espinosa” Herbarium -LOJA-, of the National University of Loja, as part of the 014-DI-FARNR- project. 2023, with the objective of collecting relevant information on floristic diversity, to improve local-scientific knowledge that will serve as an important input for making management decisions that guarantee the conservation of the reserve's biodiversity.Metrics
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