Wood density in 22 species from the dry forest of southern Ecuador along two altitudinal gradients
Dry forest, basic density, wood, bark, altitudeAbstract
The dry forests of Ecuador are characterized by high biodiversity and endemism. Despite this, they are constantly threatened and poorly studied. The aim of this study was to determine the basic wood density of 22 forest species from the dry forest in southern Ecuador. Samples were obtained using a Pressler borer, and 192 wood cores were extracted from 22 forest species. The green length of each wood core was measured, the borer diameter (0.515 cm) was determined, and the green volume was calculated. The samples were dried in an oven at 105°C for four days, then weighed to calculate moisture content and the basic wood density. Additionally, the height, diameter (DBH), and bark thickness of each individual were recorded. Of the 22 species studied, 46% had heavy wood, 33% had medium-weight wood, and 21% had light wood. The species with the highest density (≥ 0.8 g/cm³) were Handroanthus chrysanthus, Terminalia valverdeae, Morisonia scabrida, Morisonia flexuosa, and Fulcaldea laurifolia. The species with the lowest density (≤ 0.3 g/cm³) were Ceiba trischistandra, Cochlospermum vitifolium, and Erythrina velutina. No significant differences were found in the three traits compared at 600 and 1200 m a.s.l. to Erythrina velutina y Eriotheca ruizii, A strong correlation was detected between moisture content and light woods, while bark thickness showed a low correlation. The results obtained provide a basis for future ecological studies and sustainable management strategies in Ecuador's dry forests.Metrics
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