Geostatistical interpolation methods analysis for estimating spatial precipitation in the Paute River basin


  • Jheimy Pacheco
  • Alex Avilés
  • Omar Delgado


cokriging, interpolation, kriging, precipitation


The precipitation and its spatial and temporal variability are an important input for the study of enviromental science. To obtain data continuosusly in an área it is expensive, especially in montain áreas due to the rugged terrain. The Kriging and Cokriging Geostatistial Interpolation methods were used for this research in order to estimate the average rainfall in places devoid of information. This was done from historiacal data (1980 –2010) obtained from 19 weather stations int the Paute River Basin. By adjusting the semivariogram, optimal interpolation parameters were determined in order to obtain prediction maps and error measurements. The results did not show greater variation between the two methods, indicating that the precipitation does not depend only on the height, but it is necessary to consider other variables.


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How to Cite

Pacheco, J., Avilés, A., & Delgado, O. (2017). Geostatistical interpolation methods analysis for estimating spatial precipitation in the Paute River basin. Bosques Latitud Cero, 6(2), 143–160. Retrieved from