Vol. 14 No. 1 (2024): De bosques como bienes comunes a bosques como socioecosistemas de convivencia

					View Vol. 14 No. 1 (2024): De bosques como bienes comunes a bosques como socioecosistemas de convivencia
We are pleased to present to you the latest volume of the Bosques Latitud Cero Journal, an open window into the fascinating world of ecology and forest resource management in Latin America. In this volume, we have gathered a variety of research and field studies addressing crucial topics related to our forests and their impact on our daily lives. From exploring the natural regeneration of tree species in the Vilcabamba Valley, Ecuador, to analyzing the flammability of species in the Andean shrublands of southern Ecuador, along with studies on climate change and ecological restoration, each article offers a unique and valuable perspective on the current state of our forests and their significance in the socio-environmental context. We hope you enjoy this edition and that the research presented here inspires greater awareness and action in the conservation and sustainable management of our precious forest resources.
Published: 2024-01-12
