Caracterización y potencial de uso de especies frutales nativas de la región sur de la amazonía ecuatoriana
In the southern Amazon region, in the provinces of Zamora Chinchipe and Morona Santiago, although most of its territory is affected by human activities like, deforestation, mining and livestock, which have generated a high rate of genetic erosion. There is still a diversity of native fruit species in the wild and semi-cultivated, which deserve to be studied for the benefit of society as valued and have been little known by most of colonizing people; rather they introduced new species to replace indigenous ones. The use given to these species is more responsive to Aboriginal culture as a source of food and natural medicine. Neither, they don`t have worried about its domestication and cultivation tech, because the areas that they receiving the benefit are undisturbed, with forest and natural vegetation.In this ecological and cultural context, the CEDAMAZ, has started a research program in Amazonian Fruit (FRUTAMAZ - SUR) to identify, characterize and propagate the promising native species fruit, that have nutritional importance in the province of Zamora Chinchipe, fruit farming as an alternative for the region.In this form, at the end of 2010, we have identified and characterized 31 species of fruit production potential and promising to food, originating from different corners of the province of Zamora Chinchipe. The main species are: achu Mauritia flexuosa, sacha chirimoya Rollinia mucosa, árbol de pan Artocarpus altili, borojo Borojoa patinoi, cacao Theobroma cacao, cacao de monte Herrania sp., caimito Pouteria caimito, chontaduro Bactris gasipaes, copoasu Theobroma grandiflorum, granadilla Passiflora nítida, guaba Inga sp., guanabana Annona muricata.Metrics
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