Folic acid administration in pregnant women and associated sociodemographic factors


  • José Eduardo González Estrella Facultad de la Salud Humana, Carrera de Enfermería UNL-FSH, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador
  • Denny Caridad Ayora Apolo Facultad de la Salud Humana, Carrera de Enfermería UNL-FSH, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador
  • Maura Guzmán Cruz Facultad de la Salud Humana, Carrera de Enfermería UNL-FSH, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador



Folic acid is a vitamin that is part of the B complex that helps the body create new cells. It is considered an essential nutrient, which means that humans are not capable of synthesizing it. Although this element is necessary for all people, it plays an essential role in a stage of a woman’s life that is pregnancy, where it exerts a fundamental influence on fetal growth and development. Poor nutritional status prior to conception and in early pregnancy may increase the risk of adverse child outcomes such as the development of congenital malformations. The main objective of this research was to establish the association of the administration of folic acid in pregnant women who attend the Motupe University Hospital in  the city of Loja, with sociodemographic conditions, during the period October 2018 – April 2019. The study is of cross-sectional, descriptive and quantitative, the sample was 104 pregnant women to whom a structured interview was applied, the results obtained were entered and tabulated in the SPSS V. 26 program, reaching the conclusion that 63.90% of the participants


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How to Cite

González Estrella, J. E. ., Ayora Apolo, D. C. ., & Guzmán Cruz, M. . (2022). Folic acid administration in pregnant women and associated sociodemographic factors. CEDAMAZ, 12(2).



Ciencias de la salud y biotecnología