El conocimiento ancestral sobre la pesca, en las comunidades shuar asentadas en el corredor fluvial Zamora – Nangaritza


  • Pablo Ortiz Muñoz Centro de Estúdios y Desarrollo de la Amazonia
  • Flora Álvarez Centro de Estúdios y Desarrollo de la Amazonia
  • Carmen Pogo Capa Centro de Estúdios y Desarrollo de la Amazonia


Ancestral Knowledge on Fishing, Fishing Communities Shuar.


This study was conducted in the Shuar communities living along the river corridor Zamora - Nangaritza. Through the application of 404 surveys in 32 communities. In the study area showed the existence of a wide variety of fish species, for example: Corroncho Dekeyseria sp. corronchillo Dekeyseria sp, Anguilla Henonemus sp., White Brycon sp, bocachico Prochilodus sp. Among others. The living inhabit these species corresponds to river ecosystems, such as rivers, streams, lakes and lagoons. The catch is still used traditional instruments, but the influence of colonization has allowed the use of other instruments and devices. Used as bait or aquatic insects and land, as well as animal waste and visors. Fishing operations are carried out usually in the rivers and streams throughout the year. The cuisine of this area is influenced by the use of these species in a variety of dishes in different preparations, whether ayampaco, roasted, fried, steamed, in soup, etc. To preserve and store meat traditional methods are used as drying and smoking, which can be seen in almost all communities the use of the technique of salting. Fish consumption has declined considerably in recent years, to critical levels due to declining fish stocks and the alteration of the surrounding environment, the aim of this paper is to retrieve, evaluate, disseminate and promote knowledge and ways to keep alive the culture of the Shuar.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Muñoz, P., Álvarez, F., & Pogo Capa, C. (2012). El conocimiento ancestral sobre la pesca, en las comunidades shuar asentadas en el corredor fluvial Zamora – Nangaritza. CEDAMAZ, 2(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.unl.edu.ec/index.php/cedamaz/article/view/112



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