Determination of the growth curve in the Creole goat “Chusca Lojana” from the dry forest of the southern region of Ecuador
The present work aimed to study the growth curve of the Creole goat Çhusca Lojana"from the dry forest of the province of Loja, Ecuador. The adjustment of four growth models (Logistic, Von Bertalanffy, Brody and Gompertz) was evaluated and the percentage of maturity reached at different ages was estimated. Weight records of animals (56 males and 188 females of various ages) were used, using the SAS NLIN procedure. The Brody model was the best adapted to describe the growth curve of the Chusca Lojana goat in the extensive production system of the dry forest, and serves as an indicator of genetic and environmental evaluation. It determined the optimal age at slaughter and helped to establish management strategies, feeding and selection of the best genotypes. In the description of the growth curve for females and males, weights at maturity of 40 ± 1.3 kg and 62.5 ± 4 kg, respectively, were estimated. The maturity reached at four and six months of age was 32 % and 40 % for females, while it was 23 % and 31 % in males, identifying a minimum growth after 42 and 38 months of age for females and males, respectively.References
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