Bacterial communities of dung beetle guts and of succesional soil in Tapichalaca Reserve
Soil is an important ecosystem in which different bacterial species play a fundamental role as bioindicators of its ecological and evolutionary behaviour. In the present study, bacterial communities were isolated and morphologically characterized from the intestinal microbiota of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabainae) and from the soil of three states of ecological succession (primary forest, restored forest and grassland under restoration) of the Tapichalaca Nature Reserve (Ecuador). Bacterial isolation from soil and beetle intestine samples was carried out by inoculating mixed and pure cultures in two culture media: Nutrient Agar and Trypticase Soy Agar. The morphological identification of the bacterial colonies was carried out through the observation of macroscopic characteristics and the identification of the bacterial cells through Gram staining and microscopic observation. The bacterial strains obtained in the isolation of bacterial consortia from the beetle intestine samples and from the soil samples were associated with different possible bacterial genera and it was possible to conclude that there is a variation between some of the genera identified in relation to the three states of ecological succession. In the intestinal samples of beetles, of the five possible genera assigned, the genus Clostridium was identified in the primary forest and Enterobacter in the intestinal sample of a specimen from the grassland. In the soil samples, the genus Corynebacterium was associated in the soil sample from the primary forest and Pseudomonas in the soil sample from the grassland.References
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