Hepatic hemangioma. Three phases computed tomography scan study. Case presentation.


  • Carlos Juárez-Macas 1104186950
  • Diego Villa-López Carrera de Enfermería, Universidad Nacional de Loja. Loja, Ecuador.


Hepatic hemangiomas (HH) are the most common primary liver tumors. Characterized by being solitary lesions, small and benign. In general they are asymptomatic and are diagnosed incidentally during the evaluation of nonspecific abdominal symptoms, using imaging methods such as ultrasound, computed tomography scan or magnetic resonance scan. The treatment and monitoring of hemangiomas is individualized. We present the case of a 54-year-old woman, who consults for diffuse abdominal discomfort in whom a hemangioma of 4.8 cm in diameter is diagnosed in the three-phase tomographic study.


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How to Cite

Juárez-Macas, C., & Villa-López, D. (2019). Hepatic hemangioma. Three phases computed tomography scan study. Case presentation. CEDAMAZ, 9(2), 62–65. Retrieved from https://revistas.unl.edu.ec/index.php/cedamaz/article/view/617



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