Effect of a microbial preparation with lactic-acid activity on the productive indicators of broilers


  • Luis Miguel Borrás-Sandoval Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Tunja, Colombia.
  • Giovanny Torres-Vidales Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Tunja, Colombia
  • Jhon Mora-Arias Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Tunja, Colombia
  • Luis Antonio Aguirre Mendoza Facultad Agropecuaria y de Recursos Naturales Renovables, Universidad Nacional de Loja.


The productive behavior of animals of zootechnical interest depends largely on feeding and sanitary status. In this framework, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of a microbial preparation (PM) with lactic acid activity on the productive indicators of broilers. The experimental period lasted 42 d and 120 1-day-old Cobb 500 chicks with an average weight of 46 g were used, which were distributed in 4 experimental groups of 30 animals each, according to a completely randomized design. Four treatments were evaluated: T1 control, T2 bacitracin 0.5 g L-1; T3 PM in 5% concentration and T4 PM in 7.5% concentration. The birds were fed with commercial balanced feed supplied once a day, without the addition of anticoccidials; Vaccines were administered according to the biosecurity plan recommended by the commercial house. The PM based on lactobacilli, yeasts and short-chain organic acids, was supplied in the drinking water. The results show a better response in the productive indicators in T4 (MW at 7.5%) with a final weight of 2,361.2 g, (p <0.05), total weight gain of 1,412.8 g ( p <0.05), lower feed intake and better feed conversion (2.00; p <0.05). It is concluded that the use of microbial additives with lactic acid activity is a technically and economically viable alternative for raising broilers.


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How to Cite

Borrás-Sandoval, L. M. ., Torres-Vidales, G., Mora-Arias, J., & Aguirre Mendoza, L. A. (2020). Effect of a microbial preparation with lactic-acid activity on the productive indicators of broilers. CEDAMAZ, 10(2), 27–31. Retrieved from https://revistas.unl.edu.ec/index.php/cedamaz/article/view/818



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