Peer Review Process

Peer review process

Once the Authorial Declaration and Originality is received, the arbitration process will begin. From this moment the manuscripts are considered confidential documents and the author's anonymity will be preserved. The arbitration will be based on the double-blind "peer review" system, which consists of the evaluation of the manuscript by two highly qualified national or foreign reviewers and external to the Universidad Nacional de Loja. Once the arbitration process is finished, the editor will make the decision on the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript. In this way, the editor will inform the authors about the evaluation. The decision can be accepted, accepted with modifications, rejected. For articles accepted with modifications, up to 3 resubmissions will be made to the editorial address for the correction of the manuscripts. If the aspects indicated by the referees are not corrected, the manuscript will be rejected.

Information about the OJS/PKP platform publishing system and workflow

This journal uses Open Journal Systems, which is open access journal manager and software developed, funded, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License.