Analysis of homicide rates, a study for Latin American and European countries

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Junior Silva
Elizabeth Lozano


Homicide is a serious problem within society. On many occasions it is a reflection of the state of a country's economy and it is important to know the factors that influence it. This research focuses on analyzing the effect of income inequality (Gini Index) on homicide rates. For this purpose, the five countries with the highest homicide rates in Latin America and Europe are taken. The data form a panel and cover the period 2000 - 2018. Threshold regressions are used. The results indicate that inequality influences homicide rates until its value is 40.60, after it exceeds it, other factors take center stage. The public policy implications suggest that inequality and poverty must be reduced to control this problem.


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Silva, J., & Lozano, E. . (2022). Analysis of homicide rates, a study for Latin American and European countries. Revista Económica, 10(1), 77–86.


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