Identification of threats, management strategies and conservation of ecosystem services in sub-basin "La Suiza" Chiapas Mexico


  • Walter López National Institute of Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock
  • Byron Palacios Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Jorge Faustino Tropical Agronomic Research and Teaching Center
  • Sven Günter Tropical Agronomic Research and Teaching Center
  • Diego Tobar Tropical Agronomic Research and Teaching Center
  • Christian Brenes Tropical Agronomic Research and Teaching Center


ecosystem services, forest, threat, strategies, conservation, community


The sub-basin "La Suiza" due to its geographical and political location presents a high ran-ge of generation of ecosystem services. The purpose of the study was to: Identify spatially the threats that put at risk the generation of ecosystem services, and identify possible strategies for their management and conservation in the sub-basin "La Suiza". The study found 12 threats that jeopardize the generation of ecosystem services, identifying as the main threat the topography of the terrain with slopes greater than 30 % inclination equivalent to 2825.04 hectares (46 %) of the total territory of the sub-basin "La Suiza". Likewise, it was found that there was a significant as-sociation between type of threats and types of producers the p-value of the Chi square G2 statistic is = 0,0001 lower than the significance level α = 0,05. On the other hand, it was found that the payment for environmental services (PSA) stood out as a possible strategy for the conservation of ecosystem services in the sub-basin.


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How to Cite

López, W., Palacios, B., Faustino, J., Günter , S., Tobar, D., & Brenes, C. (2018). Identification of threats, management strategies and conservation of ecosystem services in sub-basin "La Suiza" Chiapas Mexico. Bosques Latitud Cero, 8(1), 109–123. Retrieved from


