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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Los autores (principal/es y colaboradores) están registrados en la revista Bosques Latitud Cero, sus perfiles tienen filiación, correo electrónico, identificador ORCID
  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha sometido a consideración por ninguna otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación al respecto en los Comentarios al editor/a).
  • El archivo de envío está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF o WordPerfect.
  • Siempre que sea posible, se proporcionan direcciones URL para las referencias.
  • El texto se adhiere a los requisitos estilísticos y bibliográficos resumidos en las Directrices del autor/a, que aparecen en Acerca de la revista. (descargar documento en Word).
  • Si se envía a una sección evaluada por pares de la revista, deben seguirse las instrucciones en Asegurar una evaluación anónima.

Author Guidelines


VIDEO TUTORIAL: Add co-authors in the metadata of the articles
VIDEO TUTORIAL: Enter ORCID identifier in the profile


Text Presentation: A4 sheet size (21 x 29.7 cm), Times New Roman font, size 12, (where not otherwise specified) justified paragraph, 1.15 line spacing and 2.5 cm margins.

YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE FORMAT IN Word in the following section: docx format WORD

Centered Title (in English)
It must be concise and brief that summarizes the spirit of the work and written in lowercase except (i) the first letter of the word that begins the title and (ii) names or words conditioned for different reasons set out in the Spelling editing rules. of the Spanish language. Bold format, size 14, centered

Centered Title (in Spanish)
It must correlate with what is written in Spanish, use English grammar correctly.

Affiliation (Right Justified)

(Author A) Last Name First Name 1,2
*(Author B) Last Name First Name 2.4
(Author N) Last Name First Name 3

The identification of the authors must be done as follows: Last name (if publishing with two last names, separate with a hyphen), followed by the first name. Each one on a different line with font size 12. Each author must have a number or character in superscript format indicating their affiliation.

Important: All authors must be registered in the journal with their ORCID identifier - if you do not have one, please register at:, (in the Profile settings, go to the “Public” tab ” enter identifier Eg:, emails and affiliations. See instruction video:
Link for registration: (

1, Affiliation: institution, city, country.
2,3,4, Affiliation: institution, city, country.

The complete institutional address of the authors and co-authors must be written, as precisely as possible (acronym of the institution, city, country). Indicate the email address for correspondence to the author. Each affiliation must be in a line with font size 12. At the beginning of each affiliation there will be the number or superscript character that relates it to one or more author(s).

* Corresponding author:
The corresponding author should be left aligned, size 12.


It should not exceed 250 words and should briefly include: introduction, objectives, methodology, relevant results and conclusions. It should not contain references or be structured in paragraphs. Font size 12.

Keywords: word 1, word 2, word 3… word 6
The number of words necessary to identify the content of the text will be included. Place 3 to 6 keywords or short phrases that help the classification of the article. It is recommended that the keywords be different from the title, they must be separated by commas or semicolons, font size 12.

Its content must comply with what is stated in the summary. If the author is not trained in Spanish, it is important to consult with a specialist to avoid considerable modifications. Font size 12
Keywords: Word 1, Word 2, Word 3……. word 6
It must be the translation of those written in Spanish, Font size 12.


It will essentially contain general aspects of the topic being presented, it must be introductory to the topic to be presented, draw the reader's attention, and include clear and concise objectives. The total introduction should not exceed one page, Font size 12.

References cited in the text: All citations made in the text must be included in the bibliographic references. To cite in the text, the last name and the year of publication of the bibliographic references will be used. For example:
Yo. According to Smith and Smith (2011) it indicates that forests...;
ii. Ecuador's biodiversity is a strategic resource that must be conserved (Aguirre et al., 2011; Zury, 2012); and,
iii. Non-timber forest products are resources that can be used independently of wood, which is supported by López (2009). However, they have not been evaluated to date….


Study area: The location or description of the place where the research was carried out should be included as much as possible, including geographical coordinates. If a map is included, it must be in tiff or png format, with a resolution of 300 dpi and with a maximum size of 9 x 9 cm, with the minimum contents (scale, compass rose, legend).

Figure 1. The figures must be numbered in Arabic, with the title at the bottom of the figure (Figure 1) and contain the information that allows their understanding, justified on the left with a font size of 10.5

Authors must indicate the material and equipment, indicating brand and model (city and country in parentheses and separated by a comma) when considered relevant. Establish the consent of the participants or their representatives to use the data obtained that involves the use of Biodiversity.

In relation to the methods, a clear and concise description of the techniques used to achieve the objectives must be made, subtitles must be used to clarify and order the methods, and they must be supported with bibliographic citations. Write in the third person and in the past tense. It is essential to specify the statistical analysis used. It is also convenient to indicate the software used for data processing. Font size 12.


They must be clear and precise. Written in the past tense or past participle, in a logical sequence in the text. Only important observations should be emphasized. If possible, using resources such as: tables and figures (photographs, diagrams, microphotographs, diagrams, schemes, drawings). Equations should not be sent as an image, use plugins to edit formulas such as Mathtype (software for editing equations). Font size 12

Tables: Tables must be numbered (Table 1) sequentially using Arabic numerals, contain a descriptive title located at the top and must not have lines other than enough to prepare the table. The notes referring to what is expressed in the table must be clarified at the end of it, placing the corresponding symbols. The tables are in APA 6 standard (they will be placed vertically as much as possible, with reduced and specific information) if the table goes to the next page, repeat the headings. It is recommended not to present more than 6 tables in the article; if the table is too broad, reduce it or summarize it with the most important data.

Graphs: Statistical bar graphs can be in black and white or color; If they are easy to group in a single graph or summarize them for a better comparison. The legend should go at the bottom and they should be named as Figure in the same sequential order as the images.

Figure 2. Example graph (view in Word format).
Photographs: they must be in color, in TIFF or PNG format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi that maintains adequate sharpness (not pixelated or that include illegible texts), indicate the magnification of the microphotographs. The legend should go at the bottom. Photographs and images larger than 10 x 10 cm are not accepted; It should be noted that grouped, overlapping images will not be accepted (It is recommended to vectorize them in Adobe Illustrator or improve the pixelation in Adobe Photoshop).


It should be written concisely to facilitate understanding and assimilation of the results. It is necessary to emphasize the new and important aspects of the study and relate the results obtained with those reported in other investigations. This relationship must allow for refuting, comparing, and accepting the results presented with those reported in the literature.


They must (if there are several) correspond to the expectations elucidated in the introduction and be in direct relation to the objectives (consider that it is the response to each objective). Avoid summarizing the results.

The authors may briefly express words of gratitude to institutions and/or people who contributed to the achievement of the work.

The participation of each of the authors in the research must be indicated.


They must be presented in alphabetical order, following international APA standards. For example, see the attached format for the use of indentation.

Lingg, A., Donaldson, M., & Alvarado, V. (1981). Biotic and abiotic factors affecting stability of         Beauveria bassiana conidia in soil. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 8(38), 191-200.
Technical report:

Trejos, S. and Platen, H. (1995). Timber shades for cocoa plantations; economic aspects. CATIE: Technical Series. Technical Report No. 266. Turrialba, Costa Rica.
Smith, R., and Smith, T. (2011). Ecology (6th ed.). Spain: Pearson Educación, SA.

Argosy Medical Animation. (2007-2009). Visible body: Discover human anatomy. New York, USA: Argosy Publishing. Retrieved from

Master's or Doctoral Thesis:

Alvarado, V, and Cardona, C. (2009). Analysis of anthropogenic activity in coffee agroecosystems of the central Peruvian jungle (master's thesis). La Molina National Agrarian University, Lima, Peru.

Nomenclature Standards: Authors are recommended to take into account the Standards of the International System of Measurement (SI), both for writing plants, microorganisms and parasites; as in symbols, units and abbreviations. Scientific names must be in italics.
Text Presentation: A4 sheet size (21 x 29.7 cm), Times New Roman font, size 12, (where not otherwise specified) justified paragraph, 1.15 line spacing and 2.5 cm margins.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.