Floristic diversity and structure of the natural regeneration of piedmont forest with forest management intervention in southern Ecuador.
seedlings, saplings, sapling, latizal, richness, abundanceAbstract
Natural regeneration is the most important ecological process for forest renewal over time. The present study characterized the floristic composition and population structure of regenerating species with forest management intervention in the piedmont forest of Zamora Chinchipe. Forest areas were stratified according to the time of succession after forest management intervention in five years (T5) and ten years (T10), and a reference area was established where no forest management activities have been implemented (T0). Natural regeneration was evaluated in: seedlings, saplings and saplings. Species rarefaction curves and NDMS multivariate analysis were used for diversity. In addition, structural parameters were generated and the following variables were compared: richness, abundance, diameter at base height (cm) and height (m). The floristic composition of the total natural regeneration (T0; T5; T10) is represented by 125 species, 88 genera and 41 families. Our results showed that there is floristic similarity between seedlings and saplings for T0, T5, T10, with the exception of latizales. The abundance and richness of species showed differences between T0 with respect to T5; T10 in the category of seedlings and saplings. In latizales there were differences in species richness between T10 with respect to T0; T5. The forest management intervention promotes significant changes in the floristic structure and diversity in the strata of natural regeneration of seedlings and latizal.Metrics
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