Measurement of greenhouse gases in agricultural and livestock soils using closed static chambers in the Zalapa sector, city of Loja.
Greenhouse gases, Agricultural and livestock activity, Closed chambers, Soil gas fluxesAbstract
Agricultural and livestock activities are one of the main sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The present study was conducted in the Zalapa area, a suburb of the city of Loja, whose agricultural and livestock production characteristics are essential to the city’s economy. We measured soil flux emissions of three greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), and methane (CH4) in both agricultural and livestock plots. We used static closed chambers with a volume of 21.4 liters and employed sensors assembled on an Arduino Mega 265 board. The photochemical sensors used were MQ4, MQ135, and an infrared sensor MHZ-19B to record variations in CH4, N2O, and CO2, respectively. CO2 emissions were higher in livestock plots, with a value of 405 ppm, while in agricultural plots, concentrations of CH4 reached 92.45 ppm. N2O variations were similar in both agricultural and livestock plots, with averages of 1.96 and 2 ppm, respectively. Soil porosity did not affect greenhouse gas fluxes, as we observed greater CO2 emissions in livestock plots, despite having lower soil porosity than agricultural plots. The total estimates of greenhouse gas emissions in the Zalapa area represented 1.78% of CO2, 0.43% for CH4, and 0.5% for N2O compared to national averages reported by FAO.Metrics
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