Ant diversity patterns in the cloud forest of the Arcoiris and El Madrigal reserves, Ecuador.


  • Gabriela Piedra Campoverde
  • Jhon Lattke Bravo
  • Jaime R. Santín


cloud forest, frecuency, litter, ants, richness


In Ecuador it is still necessary to continue studying biodiversity, especially in subjects that have been little studied, such as insects. The purpose of this study is to know the richness, abundance and functional groups of ants in the cloud forests of the Arcoíris and El Madrigal Reserve. By means of the All Protocol, 19 species of ants included in 15 genera were collected. Myrmicinae was the subfamily with the highest number of species and genera, followed by the subfamily Ponerinae. ICE, Chao 2 and Jacknife 2 diversity estimators were applied, obtaining 91.6% of the estimated richness for Arcoíris and 63.1% of the estimated richness for El Madrigal. Intermediate diversity (Shannon) and low species dominance (Simpson) were recorded for both sites. In Arcoíris and El Madrigal, 11 and 12 ant species were collected, respectively, of which 4 species are shared, 79 % of the total species are unique and 68 % are rare species. Species composition was dissimilar in both sites, being 0.3 the Sørensen similarity coefficient and 0.75 the complementarity dissimilarity coefficient. In the functional groups, the most numerous guilds were nomadic hunters (El Madrigal) and omnivores (Arcoíris). Two species not recorded in Ecuador, one not recorded since the 1930s and three species new to science were captured.


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How to Cite

Piedra Campoverde, G., Lattke Bravo, J., & Santín, J. R. (2017). Ant diversity patterns in the cloud forest of the Arcoiris and El Madrigal reserves, Ecuador. Bosques Latitud Cero, 6(2), 16–31. Retrieved from