Landscape, floristic and structural characterization of the Yambala micro-basin, Vilcabamba-Ecuado


  • Jaime R. Santín
  • Zhofre Aguirre Mendoza National University of Loja
  • Wilson Quizhpe
  • Luis Yaguachi National University of Loja
  • Vinicio Alvarado National University of Loja


Twinspan, paramos, forest cover, microbasin, ecotourism


The research was carried out in the Yambala sub-basin, with the objective of characterizing the floristic composition, structure and ecosystems (landscapes) of the Yambala sub-basin. The sub-basin has an area of 2873.4 ha, the study of vegetation cover was carried out using topographic charts and photo-interpretation of aerial photographs; for the identification of large units or geoforms, geo-referencing techniques of geological charts were used. The sampling of each vegetation unit was carried out in the field, in order to give names according to the type of cover and the existing species. The results show that the geological and geomorphological formations of the Yambala sub-basin are represented by the Chiguinda unit, its lithology presents schists, green schists, graphitic schists, quartzites, gneiss, meta andesites, phyllites with quartz, Geologically, the sub-basin is formed mostly by the Zamora series and Quillollaco formation. Geomorphologically, the sub-basin has a very rugged mountainous and steep relief with dominant slopes ranging from 50-70 %. The ecosystems identified with ecotourism potential are: herbaceous moorlands, shrubby moorlands, grasslands, dense forests and scrublands, in which six plant communities were identified, including species of tourist interest: Neurolepis nana, Monnina arbustifolia, Gynoxys acostae, and Weinnmannia cochensis. The vegetation species


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How to Cite

Santín, J. R., Aguirre Mendoza, Z., Quizhpe, W., Yaguachi, L., & Alvarado, V. (2017). Landscape, floristic and structural characterization of the Yambala micro-basin, Vilcabamba-Ecuado. Bosques Latitud Cero, 6(2), 45–60. Retrieved from