Effects of Pruning on the Agronomic Performance of Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae) at the Andil Experimental Farm
Morphological characteristics, growth, hybrids, genotypes.Abstract
This study assessed the effects of pruning on the agronomic performance of Jatropha curcas L., conducted at the Andil Experimental Farm, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí. The objective was to analyze the impact of pruning on various agronomic variables of the plant. A total of 192 plants were monitored over a period of 20 months, including 10 months before and 10 months after pruning. The hybrid JAT 001100 exhibited significant growth in height, increasing from 133,53 cm to 210,69 cm in the first five months after pruning, stabilizing at 217,90 cm by the tenth month. In contrast, the hybrid JAT 001103 showed notable variations in stem diameter during the first three months, with stability thereafter and a renewed increase at the end of the study, indicating its ability to support fruit production more effectively. The Promisorio CP 041 genotype excelled in inflorescence production, with a marked increase until the fourth month after pruning, followed by a gradual decline. The hybrid JAT 001165 showed stability in the number of branches, with minor fluctuations and a slight decrease at the end of the study, suggesting a stable architecture. Pruning proved to be an effective tool for stimulating growth and development in Jatropha curcas, particularly in the initial months. Genotypes such as JAT 001100 and Promisorio CP 041 show high yield potential under appropriate management and pruning conditions.Metrics
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