Effect of the introduction of forest species on degraded soils in ecological restoration processes in south of Ecuador



This study was carried out seven years after the implementation of an ecological restoration pro-cess of the degradation in the buffer zones of Podocarpus National Park. An assessment was per-formed of the way in which five forest species (three native and two introduced) impact on de-graded soils in three succession stages. In addition, differences in phenotypic characteristics and soil micro-biotic dynamics between native and introduced species were investigated. Finally, an analysis was performed as to whether the microbial biomass and basal respiration or the soul and were related to physiological characteristics. To test these hypotheses, phenotypic variables of the trees that intervene directly in soil dynamics were evaluated. The presence of microorganisms was assessed as a biological indicator of the soil, by quantifying the microbial biomass and basal respi-ration of the soil. The main conclusions were that each forest species interferes with soil biological indicators in a particular way, and significant differences were observed among the species under study in all phenotypic parameters and biological indicators of soil, independently of whether they were native or introduced. Relationships were identified between physiological characteristics and biological indicators of the soil, with differences in each species. The conclusion is that both the species and the state of succession influence the health status and phenotype of the tree, and there-fore soil biological indicators.


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How to Cite

Narváez, M., Aguirre, N., & Maldonado, M. (2018). Effect of the introduction of forest species on degraded soils in ecological restoration processes in south of Ecuador. Bosques Latitud Cero, 7(2), 22–38. Retrieved from https://revistas.unl.edu.ec/index.php/bosques/article/view/319




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