Plant diversity, community structure, and aereal biomass in a paramo ecosystem of Southern Ecuador


  • Narcisa de Jesús Urgiles Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Daniel Cofre National University of Loja
  • Paúl Loján National University of Loja
  • Juan Maita National University of Loja
  • Pablo Alvarez National University of Loja
  • Selele Báez National Polytechnic School
  • Eva Tamargo National Polytechnic School
  • Paúl Eguiguren National University of Loja
  • Tatiana Ojeda-Luna National University of Loja
  • Nikolay Aguirre National University of Loja


global environmental change, aerial biomass, biodiversity monitoring, permanent plots, Podocarpus National Park


Long-term monitoring of high mountain ecosystems is a key element to understand the impact of global environmental change on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Our research explored the floristic diversity and plant aereal biomass content in the paramo ecosystem in Cajanuma at the Podocarpus National Park, Loja, Ecuador. The aim of our study was to create baseline infor-mation for subsequent monitoring. The monitoring area ocuppied 1 260 m2, where 30 permanent plots of 1 m2 were established. The floristic composition, structure and aeral biomass (dry weight) were determined. The individuals were classified within 66 species belonging to 49 genera and 32 families. The most diverse families were Asteraceae and Ericaceae, while the most frequent spe-cies were Tillandsia aequatorialis with 47 000, Thelypteris euthythrix with 31 000, and Blechnum cordatum with 19 667 individuals. We estimated an aereal biomass of 14.76 t ha-1; where 9.35 t ha-1 accounted for alive biomass and 5.42 t ha-1 for necromass. This information will be useful to evaluate future changes in vascular-plant communities and productivity in high Andean mountain ecosystems due to factors associated to global environmental change.


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How to Cite

Urgiles, N. de J., Cofre, D., Loján, P., Maita, J., Alvarez, P., Báez, S., … Aguirre, N. (2018). Plant diversity, community structure, and aereal biomass in a paramo ecosystem of Southern Ecuador. Bosques Latitud Cero, 8(1), 44–56. Retrieved from


