Index of phenological activity of ten Amazonian fruit species in the El Padmi Experimental Station, Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador


  • Roberto Medina
  • Alex Cabrera Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Zhofre Aguirre National University of Loja


indicators, patterns, dynamics, standardization


Understanding how natural phenomena are governed and associated with their variables has been a priority for the human being; its understanding has allowed the environment to be modi-fied, maintained and even improved. This study tries to estimate the phenological activity of ten Amazonian fruit species during a year, through a weighted index that includes standardized values of flowering, fruiting and increase of stem volume. The phenological activity index allowed to identify and describe (I) an isolated pattern showing four species with unique or uncommon events and (II) a grouped pattern, with two subgroups of three species each, showing common events and in synchrony with events from other locations. The information generated can contribute to the knowledge and exploitation of non-traditional fruit species in the Amazon region of southern Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Medina, R., Cabrera, A., & Aguirre , Z. (2018). Index of phenological activity of ten Amazonian fruit species in the El Padmi Experimental Station, Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador. Bosques Latitud Cero, 8(1), 17–31. Retrieved from


