Open Access Policy

"Bosques Latitud Cero" is an Open Access journal that does not charge any fees during the entire editorial process for the publication of articles, including scientific review and formatting. There are no publication fees or Article Processing Charges (APC) associated with this publication, neither for authors nor for readers. Additionally, the journal allows the use of preprint, postprint, and officially published versions of the article for various purposes without requiring permission from the author or editor. The only requirements are to avoid using the article for commercial purposes and to give credit to the original source and the authors. The journal is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, which allows free access, download, and archiving of the published articles. All expenses, resources, and funding for "Bosques Latitud Cero" come from contributions made by the National University of Loja.

1. Copyright

By accepting the publication of their article in the journal *Bosques Latitud Cero*, authors retain their copyright over the manuscript. Once published, authors are authorized to deposit their article in its final version, as published, in any non-commercial open access repository, provided that the original source is acknowledged and a link to the publication in the journal *Bosques Latitud Cero* is provided.

The publication of the article in *Bosques Latitud Cero* will be under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) License, which allows third parties to share and adapt the published content for non-commercial purposes, as long as proper credit is given to the authors and the journal.

2. Open Access Policy

2.1. Bosques Latitud Cero is an Open Access journal, available with free access (Open Access) without time restrictions, and is included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (Latindex, Dialnet).

3. Readers' Rights

Readers have full and free access to all information available online. This includes reading, downloading, saving, printing, searching, indexing, and linking full texts in external sources.

4. Automatic Publication

Bosques Latitud Cero makes its articles available in reliable third-party repositories (e.g., REDIB, Dialnet) immediately after publication.

5. Archiving

This journal uses various regional repositories where the publication is hosted, such as REDIB and Dialnet, which digitally archive and ensure indexing.

6. Machine Readability and Interoperability

The full text, metadata, and citations of the articles can be tracked and accessed with permission. Our open social policy also allows the readability of the files and their metadata, promoting interoperability under the OAI-PMH open data and open-source protocol. The files, both of complete publications and their segmentation by articles, are available in open formats (HTML and PDF), facilitating reading on any device and platform.

7. Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or to any other party. The material on this site is open access, and reproduction is permitted as long as this journal is referenced as its author.