Systematic literature review: characteristics and functioning of the BERT and SQuAD models


  • José Carrión Carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas/Computación, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador
  • Victor Serrano Carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas/Computación, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador


BERT, SQuAD, Covid, Answers to Questions, Conversational agents


Currently, with the current pandemic, there have been collapses in the health system, which has caused human and economic losses in most cases, has caused the protection of the population and has limited access to health centers. This has caused deaths in the population due to lack of access to basic medical care, such as consultations on the main symptoms. This Systematic Literature Review (SLR) was undertaken to identify what features and optimal performance are necessary for the use of BERT and SQuAD in order to further develop a virtual agent focused on answering questions on common Covid-19 topics. The agent would provide greater coverage of Covid assistance issues to the population, since the health centers are not able to meet the needs of the population. The present RSL was based on the phases of Barbara Kitchenham’s methodology, the review was based on three research questions and defined the course of the review; obtaining PyTorch and TensorFlow as frameworks for software development, Python as programming language for its linkage in machine learning, the BERT BASE model used for low-resource hardware and SQuAD 2.0 for being more complete with respect to pairs of questions and reasonable answers.


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How to Cite

Carrión, J., & Serrano, V. (2021). Systematic literature review: characteristics and functioning of the BERT and SQuAD models. CEDAMAZ, 11(1), 79–86. Retrieved from



Review articles