Percepción y medidas de adaptación al cambio climático implementadas en época seca por ganaderos en Río Blanco y Paiwas, Nicaragua
climate change, perception, financial analysis.Abstract
Nicaragua as a result of drought is being affected, which has brought problems of reduced supply of forage and livestock dominance; in addition, consequences such as low milk production per cow and herd size. Faced with the problems caused by drought, there are proposals of adaption that essentially include strengthening of institutional capacities, protection of recharge areas to improve infiltration, to promote reforestation; and most importantly agroforestry practices. In this study they characterized dairy cattle farms in Rio Blanco y Paiwas, Nicaragua, to analyze the perception, effects and coping strategies of farmers to climate change; in addition, analyzed the productive potential of agroforestry systems as an alternative to production in the dry season; finally, the financial profitability of production systems found in the study area. The results indicate that there are two production systems: conventional and silvopastoral. These two systems of production have the same perception of change climate. The milk production in the systems conventional and silvopastoral differ statistically (p<0,05), debido al tipo de alimentación que recibe el ganado, principalmente leguminosas arbustivas y el alto porcentaje de superficie destinado a pasturas mejoradas con árboles dispersos en potreros. Los resultados del análisis financiero indican que las fincas que cuentan con SSP son financieramente rentables. Las fincas con SSP presentaron un VAN positivo de US$ 845,85; mientras que las fincas con SC presentaron US$ 543,52. ><0,05), due to the type of feed the cattle receive, mainly leguminous shrub base and the high percentage of area devoted to improved pasture with scattered trees. The results of financial analysis indicate that systems silvopastoral are financially profitable. Farms with silvopastoral systems presented a positive NPV of USD 845,85 and a cost benefit of 1,50, while the systems conventional presented USD 543,52 and a cost benefit of 1.51.Metrics
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