Newcastle Disease Virus Isolation of rural Areas from Southern Ecuador


  • Gustavo Villacís Rivas Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Galo Escudero Sánchez Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Freddy Cueva Castillo Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Agusto Luzuriaga Neira Universidad Nacional de Loja


Newcastle disease virus, virus isolation, sentinel birds.


The Newcastle disease virus belongs to the group of paramixovirus birds and is able to infect to more than 200 bird species at different levels of affectation according to the host and the virus strain. Even though the Newcastle virus has been isolated from several wild and domestic species around the world, there are not any reports of viral isolations in rural areas of Ecuador. Under these circumstances and with the objective to isolate the Newcastle virus in the southern region of Ecuador, it was used 100 chickens of fteen days old, negatives for antibodies against the Newcastle disease, they were put at random in six rural areas of Zapotillo canton. After fteen days they were examined in order to take samples of feces and to make pools. Subsequently, It was made the culture of embryonated eggs of nine days old that were not speci c pathogen free (spf) coming from native Hens, free from vaccines against the Newcastle disease. The embryonated eggs were inoculated with the eld samples previously puri ed. Three repetitions of each pool were made and analysed; after the rst twenty four hours of incubation it was registered the embryonic mortality. On the fourth day the eggs were harvested and it was carried out test of hemagglutination and hemagglutination inhibition in which it was detected the presence of hemoaglutinate activity of Newcastle, additionally was used of a quick test of capture ELISA the result was also positive. 

Author Biographies

Gustavo Villacís Rivas, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Dirección de Investigación de la Universidad Nacional de Loja 

Galo Escudero Sánchez, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Dirección de Investigación de la Universidad Nacional de Loja Carrera de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia

Freddy Cueva Castillo, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Dirección de Investigación de la Universidad Nacional de Loja 

Agusto Luzuriaga Neira, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Dirección de Investigación de la Universidad Nacional de Loja 


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How to Cite

Villacís Rivas, G., Escudero Sánchez, G., Cueva Castillo, F., & Luzuriaga Neira, A. (2017). Newcastle Disease Virus Isolation of rural Areas from Southern Ecuador. CEDAMAZ, 4(1). Retrieved from



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