Loja 2030: Problems and structural actions for territorial sustainable development

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Kevin Jimenez
Ramiro Correa-Jaramillo
José Ordóñez-Yaguache


This proposal, based on Godet's methodology, added to the use of restriction and multi-criteria trees, allows identifying actions to structural problems, linked in the long term, aligned with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, planning against the standards defined in the international standard ISO 18091 for trustworthy governments, from which a specific project presented to the Prefect of Loja for its implementation emerges. The proposal seeks to establish a methodological exercise to improve local planning processes
The results suggest the need to strengthen the development plan with better structured indicators and goals and include  Agenda 2030 ; and consider the elements of ISO 18091 respectively. In addition, it is important to consider the elements of the 2017-2021 Development Plan, which was recently approved. Finally, this effort contributes to the institutionalization of planning in the Provincial Government of Loja.
For the development of this research, several phases have been considered: i) Diagnosis, based on restriction trees, ii) the analysis of strategic variables, which considers a section of alignment with the SDGs, and the structural elements of the system analyzed based on all MICMAC software; iii) assessment of scenarios, based on the SMIC PRO, iv) assessment of the management of the provincial government based on the ISO 18091 standard; v) actor analysis based on Mactor; and, vi) Identification of strategic lines based on a simple multi-criteria. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations of the research carried out are presented.


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How to Cite
Jimenez, K., Correa-Jaramillo, R. ., & Ordóñez-Yaguache, J. . (2023). Loja 2030: Problems and structural actions for territorial sustainable development. Revista Económica, 11(1), 16–29. https://doi.org/10.54753/rve.v11i1.1588


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