Relationship between exports, public spending and economic growth in Peru in the period 1970-2019

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Jessica Guamán
Michelle López


The objective of this research is to analyze the short- and long-term equilibrium relationship between exports and public spending with economic growth in Peru. Using time series data for the period 1970-2019; and based on the hypothesis of economic growth led by exports and the theory of economic growth with public spending of Barro (1990). Applying models and econometric techniques, the results confirmed a balance in the short and long term; and unidirectional causality that goes from economic growth to public spending, from public spending to exports, and from exports to economic growth. Finally, to achieve stable economic growth in Peru, efficient resource management is necessary, increasing public spending in all sectors, reducing dependence on the primary sector, boosting national production, and increasing exports.


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How to Cite
Guamán, J. ., & López, M. (2023). Relationship between exports, public spending and economic growth in Peru in the period 1970-2019. Revista Económica, 11(1), 51–63.


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