White-collar crimes “Edwin Sutherland theory”

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Susana Jacquelne Jaramillo


The advance of civilization has led to changes in the behavior of the human being, we live in a change of era, which imposes the dynamics of the dialectic, inexorably developing intolerable behaviors for the State and Society that injure legal rights; We live a period of crisis, high danger for human life, the spread of criminal phenomenon reaches all continental latitudes, However there is an unconventional crime denominated “White Collar” that remain unpunished before the repressive control of the State, in the Present work called “The new cosmovision of the crimes of White Collar” I pretend to know how the etiology of crime does not obey a homogenous cause, but its origin has a heterogeneous character; And that there is a black figure of crime that is qualitatively and quantitatively dangerous, to which the penal system does not impose any penal sanctions.
crime, crime, maladjustment, theory,sanction.


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How to Cite
Jaramillo, S. J. (2019). White-collar crimes “Edwin Sutherland theory”. Sur Academia: Revista Académica-Investigativa De La Facultad Jurídica, Social Y Administrativa, 5(10), 44–50. Retrieved from https://revistas.unl.edu.ec/index.php/suracademia/article/view/626
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Author Biography

Susana Jacquelne Jaramillo, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Docente Universitaria, y docente inesvigadora de la Unl.Ex Directora De Rehabilitación SocialEx Jueza Temporal de Garantías PenalesEx Intenenta de Policia de la provincial de LOja