Socioeconomic diagnosis of agroforestry systems in the San Francisco area of the El Anegado parish
Agroforestry, community, family, conservation, species, ruralAbstract
Agroforestry systems constitute an alternative for rural development, so in this investigation a socioeconomic diagnosis was made; the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats of the main aspects were analyzed in order to redesign the agroforestry systems, considering the knowledge and needs of the producer and proposes the redesign of the SAF as a contribution to the increase, improvement and diversification of the production of the farms. Palmital and La Fortuna, in the San Francisco precinct of El Anegado parish, province of Manabí. The results indicated that both farms present differences regarding their structure and diversification. The family nucleus is made up of seven members, the parents, three children and two grandchildren; ages range from 18 to 64 years. The largest use of land in El Palmital is the planted area 74,23% (1,80 ha), while in La Fortuna the non-agricultural area predominated 55,88% (0,95 ha). Among the proposals for adjustments for the redesign of the farms under study are: establishment of a drip irrigation system for perennial crops, use and marketing of non-timber forest products, replanting and protection of seedlings of woody species in the live fences, namely Inga spectabilis (Vahl) Will. and Handroanthus chrysanthus (Jacq.) SO Grose, pruning to reduce excess shade, phytosanitary thinning, diversification of perennial crops, terraces on high slopes, to control water erosion, improve infiltration and increase the availability of soil water.Metrics
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