Impacts of climate change on the potential distribution of prioritized forest species in the Ecuadorian Amazon


  • Gina Calvas Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Juan Maita Forestry Engineering, Centro de Investigaciones Tropicales del Ambiente y Biodiversidad, Universidad Biodiversity, National University of Loja, Loja, Ecuador.
  • Erick Angamarca Forestry Engineering, Centro de Investigaciones Tropicales del Ambiente y Biodiversidad, Universidad Biodiversity, National University of Loja, Loja, Ecuador.
  • Paúl Eguiguren Forestry Engineering, Centro de Investigaciones Tropicales del Ambiente y Biodiversidad, Universidad Biodiversity, National University of Loja, Loja, Ecuador.
  • Dario Veintimilla Forestry Engineering, Centro de Investigaciones Tropicales del Ambiente y Biodiversidad, Universidad Biodiversity, National University of Loja, Loja, Ecuador.



Ecological niche model, species distribution model, climate change, Maxent, amazon tropical forest


Tropical Rainforests (TF) are ecosystems of great structural and environmental complexity, where they harbor a great diversity of species and habitats, playing an important role in climate regulation and efficient for water conservation. In Ecuador, these forests cover a large part of its territory, specifically in the Chocó and Amazon regions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impacts of climate change on the distribution of forest species of the BHT, for which five species were selected such as C. spruceanum, C. decorticans, C. pentandra, D. tessmannii and E. uncinatum. uncinatum, and with the help of WorldClim bioclimatic variables, programs such as Maxent, Rstudio and ArcGIS, the Global Circulation Model HadGEM3 - CG3.1 - LL and the SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios for the years 2041 and 2060, with which the final model was calibrated and generated. In this way, models of current and future potential distribution of five forest species were projected, in which the effects of climate change were observed, showing increases and reductions in their suitable areas. Some species will adapt and disperse to new sites, and others will limit their survival, causing changes in their distribution patterns. In conclusion, climate change will bring alterations in the dynamics of Amazonian forests, causing changes in their structure and composition. Therefore, this research will be an essential tool to generate policies and strategies for sustainable forest use, restoration and conservation of the biodiversity of these forests.


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How to Cite

Calvas, G., Maita, J., Angamarca, E., Eguiguren, P., & Veintimilla, D. (2024). Impacts of climate change on the potential distribution of prioritized forest species in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Bosques Latitud Cero, 14(1), 31–46.

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