Morphological characterization of Euterpe precatoria Mart. (huasaí) in two forest types in the southwestern Peruvian Amazon (Madre de Dios)
Infrutescence, population structure, population density, fruit productionAbstract
The objective of this study was the morphological characterization and population structure of Euterpe precatoria (Arecaceae) in two types of forest (mainland forest and floodplain forest. Two plots of 20 x 500 (4 ha), separated by a minimum of 300 m. were established to evaluate the populations of huasai. For each individual, the diameter, total height, number of scars on the stem, number of infructescences, weight of fruits in the wet state, number of leaves and number of rows were recorded. The density of individuals for mainland 50 ind/ha and for flooded forest 103 ind/ha. The average height of individuals of E. precatoria was 17m. In the population structure for flooded forest the fruit production is 12 to 20 m high and for mainland is 16 to 20 m. The average production of infructescence in the flooded forest is 2.9 infrut/indiv and in mainland forest is 2.2 infrut/indiv. The average production of fruit by infructescence in the flooded forest is 13358.2 and of mainland forest is 7798.8. It was determined that the average number of leaves in floodplain forest is 12.1 leaves/indiv and 15.1 leaves/indiv in mainland forest. It was concluded that the use of E. precatoria individuals is recommended in floodplain forest because the productive potential is greater due to the high density, infructescence and rows.References
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