Association between self-prescription and functional capacity of the elderly adult in the province of Loja, 2019


  • Mariela Idrovo-Vallejo Carrera de Enfermería de la Facultad de la Salud Humana, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Calle Manuel Monteros. Loja, Ecuador
  • José González-Estrella Carrera de Enfermería de la Facultad de la Salud Humana, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Calle Manuel Monteros. Loja, Ecuador
  • Bertila Tandazo-Agila Carrera de Enfermería de la Facultad de la Salud Humana, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Calle Manuel Monteros. Loja, Ecuador


Medications, Self-prescription, Self-medication, Elderly, Functionality


Older adults, according to their functional status, carry out self-care practices to cope with illnesses and ailments. One risky practice is self-prescription. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of self-prescription in this age group of the population considering the sociodemographic characteristics and the functionality criterion. The sample consisted of 395 older adults from the different cantons of the province of Loja, the survey was used as an instrument, which was aimed at inquiring about sociodemographic aspects and self-prescription. To assess functional capacity, the Lawton and Brody Scale was used, which made it possible to measure the degree of autonomy or dependence of the elderly to carry out the instrumental activities of daily life. A score ranging between 0-7 points indicated functional dependence. The statistical test of Chi square was applied at 95% probability. The results obtained were that 24,00% of the population practice self-prescription, predominantly in adults over 80 years of age (34,20%), female (28,60%), widowers (29,50%), from the urban area (25,00%) and without work or occupation (26,80%). According to the functionality criterion, functionally dependent older adults are the ones who incur the highest proportion in the practice of self-prescription (31,10%). According to the analysis of variables, it was established that there is a significant statistical relationship between functional dependence and self-prescription.


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How to Cite

Idrovo-Vallejo, M., González-Estrella, J., & Tandazo-Agila, B. (2021). Association between self-prescription and functional capacity of the elderly adult in the province of Loja, 2019. CEDAMAZ, 11(1), 48–52. Retrieved from



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