Nutritional quality and physicochemical properties of agroecological and conventional kale (Brassica Oleracea Var. Sabellica L).


  • Gema Palacios Andrade Maestría de Agroecología y Desarrollo Sostenible, Facultad Agropecuaria y de Recursos Naturales Renovables, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja. Ecuador
  • Wilson Chalco-Sandoval Carrera de Ingeniería Agrícola, Facultad Agropecuaria y de Recursos Naturales Renovables, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja. Ecuador.



Kale, Nutritional value, Protein, Vitamins, Minerals


There is a demand for vegetables with high nutrient content and quality. However, conventional agriculture seeks to increase production by focusing on monoculture and agrochemicals usage, without taking into account the consequences that this causes to health, the environment, and the soil. Agroecology emerges as an alternative to avoid these negative effects since it focuses on the production of healthy foods with high nutritional content. Some studies have shown that kale is considered a superfood due to its high nutritional value and benefits for human health; however, in Ecuador, there is no information on the nutritional quality of this vegetable. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate the nutritional quality and physicochemical properties of kale in agroecological and conventional production systems. The methodology consisted measuring pH, acidity, Brix degrees, color, width and length of the leaf, finally, the nutritional quality was determined considering its macro and micronutrients. The results show that the physicochemical properties of the kale, between the two production systems did not exist statistically significant differences, since the values of pH (6 - 6.17), acidity (0.18 - 0.20%) and °Brix (4.96 – 5.29%) are similar. The nutritional quality of the kale from the agroecological system was higher than from conventional system crops because it was higher in macronutrients between 12 and 48%, in minerals it increased between 25 and 76%, and 6.44% for vitamin C.


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How to Cite

Palacios Andrade, G., & Chalco-Sandoval, W. (2024). Nutritional quality and physicochemical properties of agroecological and conventional kale (Brassica Oleracea Var. Sabellica L). CEDAMAZ, 14(1), 1–7.



Research Articles