Effect of different dehydration conditions on the organoleptic quality of jicama (Smallanthus sonchifolius)
Organoleptic analysis, Andean Valleys, hedonic scale, temperature, timeAbstract
Jicama is a crop with high nutritional content; however, with the passage of time its use has been devalued due to lack of knowledge. In this context, this research was carried out with the objective of revaluing jicama through the production of a dehydrated by-product. For this, the raw material was obtained from the farms of the San Lucas parish belonging to the Agroecological Network of Loja, then the samples were dehydrated, using 3 temperatures 50, 55 and 60 °C and 3 times 10, 12 and 14 hours. For data analysis, the completely randomized experimental design (DCA) was applied with a 3 x 3 bifactorial arrangement. The optimal dehydration conditions of jicama were obtained from the organoleptic analysis, which was carried out by 9 panelists, using a 5-point hedonic scale; In addition, the nutritional content of the jicama byproduct with the best acceptability was determined. The results showed that treatment 6 was the one that obtained the highest scores in: color 4.56; taste 4.78; texture 4.78 and acceptability 4.44. These results establish that the optimal dehydration temperature and time were 60 °C and 14 h, respectively. In addition, the nutritional analysis allowed us to determine that dehydrated jicama is rich in carbohydrates, fiber, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and vitamin C; becoming a nutritional alternative, which contributes to food sovereignty, and improves the economy of farmers.References
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