Carbon Storage and allometric equations for species groups and lowland forest, Ecuadorian Amazon


  • María Elena Cuenca Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Oswaldo Jadan Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Kevin Cueva Proyecto UN REDD FAO UNPJ/ECU/083/UNJ.
  • Cristian Aguirre Proyecto UN REDD FAO UNPJ/ECU/083/UNJ.


Amazonía ecuatoriana, biomasa, modelos alométricos, tierras bajas, factores de expansión.


The soil-transmitted In Ecuador to assess the potential of ecosystem services in relation to carbon stored by quantifying biomass in forest ecosystems, there have been many efforts applied research to improve assessment methods. This research made in the stratum evergreen forest of lowland of Amazonía. The aim was to determine the aerial biomass and generate allometric models in order to groups of species and ecosystem stratum. Settled in 12 permanent plots of 60 m x 60 m (3 600 m2), where the trees were evaluated with diameter at breast height (dbh) ≥ 10 cm according to the methodology of the National Forest Evaluation of Ecuador. The variables used to generate the models were (dbh), total height and comercial height (Hc) and (Ht) aboveground biomass. The aboveground biomass and total carbon in the stratum was 124.85 Mg ha-1 and 62.43 Mg C ha-1 respectively. The group 8 had the highest values in biomass and C total (54.02 Mg ha-1, 27.01 Mg C ha-1, respectively) unlike group 3 with lower values (0.16 Mg ha-1, 0.08 Mg C ha-1). For allometric models of the stratum and species group, the variables that best adjusted were the natural logarithm of dbh, dbh Ln, Ln Hc, Ln Ht and squared dbh (dbh2); registered coefficients of determination between 0.84 (G4) and 0.99 (G2).


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Author Biographies

María Elena Cuenca, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Ingeniera Forestal de la Universidad Nacional de Loja

Oswaldo Jadan, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Ingeniera Forestal de la Universidad Nacional de Loja

Kevin Cueva, Proyecto UN REDD FAO UNPJ/ECU/083/UNJ.


Cristian Aguirre, Proyecto UN REDD FAO UNPJ/ECU/083/UNJ.



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How to Cite

Cuenca, M. E., Jadan, O., Cueva, K., & Aguirre, C. (2017). Carbon Storage and allometric equations for species groups and lowland forest, Ecuadorian Amazon. CEDAMAZ, 4(1). Retrieved from



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